Posts Tagged ‘NAZI’s’

The Cause of The Emerging Plague of Tumors in Our Children: An Open Letter to Kate–

Sunday, July 19th, 2009
The recent explosion in unusual tumors in our children may be traced to the poisons in our drinking water.   Years of water fluoridation have culminated in genetic defects of cell mitochondria and as a result our metabolisms have been disturbed.  So, we gain more weight; moreover, we grow more tumors.
While American Narcissism blinds US to the realities:
We are NOT the greatest nation on earth.
We do NOT have the best health.
We do NOT have the best health care.
We do NOT even have “clean” water.
In fact, our waters are poisoned and have been poisoned since the Nazi’s “lost” World War II!
We are in Denial.
Denial defends US against the truth
Against anxiety
Against understanding–
–About God
–About reality
–About the fact we are in the end stages of the War Between Good & Evil!
We can’t even protect our children!
Try getting your city council to stop fluoridating your drinking water and you’ll see what I mean.  It is all controlled by an ever expanding central government.
Kate McRae Aged 5

Kate McRae Aged 5


Dear Kate & Family—


We’ve much in common.  While prayers are wonderful, action is very important.  Please indulge me as I draw attention to the cause of most tumors we are witnessing today.


Our water has been tainted with a substance known to cause harm.  There are many entries in Dr Kent’s Blog about the effects of fluoridated water.  Please visit and look up “Fluoridation.”


Because our bodies’ metabolic systems have been “fluoridated,” we are growing more tumors.  And, no, Kate, it is not from the fluoride your young body has been exposed to but the fluoridation over decades is causing tumors, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and a lot of bad things.


The mitochondria or “cell engine” of each cell in our bodies has been damaged by fluoridation.  A physician who lives just north of you in Paradise Valley named Mark Starr, MD, published a ground breaking book called “Hypothyroidism Type II.” 


[Dr. Starr’s book gives a longitutudinal study that explains the body of scientific knowledge on thyroid treatment that can not be disputed.  His tome is a definitive work of meta-analyses establishing a new diagnosis.]


There is a lot to this and you are touching so many people I hope they might have courage and take action and stop fluoridation so we do not see so many tumors as we are seeing today.  I, too, have a tumor like yours.


drkentshow-dot-com is just a beginning of what I hope to do.  Get the word out that this fight is more than Psychosociopolitical warfare:  This is part of the fight between good and evil, between our LORD and Satan.  The battle is real.


Katie, if you lose your hair, it will be only for a little while.  What’s more, the new hair you grow will be thicker and softer than a baby’s!


I will keep praying for you.


Dr. Kent

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.