Posts Tagged ‘Muslim’


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Organization of the Islamic Conference Usurping Control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Thursday, June 11th, 2009


The latest in geopolitical developments has the Organization of the Islamic Conference soon taking control over the entire site of the Temple Mount in the City of Jerusalem.  


While this site has been traditionally shared by Muslims, Catholics, Jews and Christians, once The Organization of the Islamic Conference is in control, access to the site of the Dome of the Rock, the first and second temples (Solomon’s Temple) and the site Jesus’ ministry will be lost to groups other than Islamic.


Under Israeli control access has been assured to all groups including the Vatican; however, the practices of The Organization of the Islamic Conference for the last 1500 years demonstrate that Christians will never have access to these holy sites when The Temple Mount in Jerusalem goes out of Israeli control.

Terrorist “Lawfare”

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and many Israeli military are facing charges being brought against them in international courts as Muslim extremists and their  lackeys file charges against them.  This shows how far the Islamic threat and Muslim extremists have gone in just a few short years.  Islam is using the legal system as a weapon against freedom and liberty.