Posts Tagged ‘McCain’


Thursday, July 1st, 2010

Courtesy of Jill Arizona  on Facebook:

Scott Rothstein was Sen. John McCain’s #1 Fundraiser for his presidential campaign who used campaign finance loopholes to bundle more than $1.1 million dollars. As it turns out, most, if not all of that money, came from investors who Rothstein swindled out of billions of dollars in an elaborate Ponzi scheme, much like Bernie Madoff.

Despite his close ties to Rothstein, Senator John McCain’s spokesman said that McCain “couldn’t pick [Rothstein] out of a line up.”

These never before seen home tapes tell a different story.

McCain and Hayworth voted for Amnesty

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

McCain’s new “I Pinky Swear” border security plan!

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

McCain: A Maverick La Raza can Rely Upon for Amnesty

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

McCain has got to go!

Not only is he a traitor but he is a lying narcissist


I Stand Corrected! Re: Sixteenth Amendment via Senate Candidate Jim Deakin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

This weekend I met a gentleman running for McCain’s Senate seat who set me straight.  He knows more than I about the ratification of the income tax and reported to me that a certain few states initially ratified it but that number of states ratifying the 16th Amendment has increased to 38.  Senate candidate Jim Deakin corrected me during our conversation this weekend.

“Irregardless” of the vote, I hold that the taxing of income by the Federal Government is unconstitutional!  And, what’s more, immoral.  Now, the states may tax income but the Federal Government?  NEVER!  Our US Constitution limits the Federal Government to collecting duties & tariffs. Yet, The New World Order has created the god of “free trade” for us to worship.

It is refreshing to meet someone like Jim Deakin  running for  high office who knows his stuff and supports a return to both a Constitutional Congress (Wherein we don’t pay Congressmen!) and a Constitutional Senate (to which we the people don’t directly elect our Senators but our elected state legislators elect Senators from amoung themselves–subject to instant recall at any time!)


I admit I was wrong in my last post entitled “You Stupid People!”  My apologies. Mea cupla.

Message to Senator John McCain (R) Arizona

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009


Since your DC staff just hung up on me unceremoniously:  This is the message that you are going to hear from me and a lot of other people around the country are saying the same thing to our representatives:

Either Kill this Terrible “Stimulus Bill”

Or Don’t Come Home

There is is no threat implied by this message.  But.  We are tired of the rip off, the theft.  I am certain that this over stepping by Obama and his minions will play out horribly.