Posts Tagged ‘mainstream media’

Facebook Factions

Monday, June 28th, 2010

As I am forming impressions, there seem to be certain trends on Facebook.  There seems to be a grouping into those who support the status quo versus those who want to restore the US Constitution.  What is alarming are the open expressions of endorsement of violence by both sides.


Those supporting the Constitution seem to divide into the severely naïve with a touch of jingoism and those who are painfully consciously aware of the difficulties in returning to Constitutional rule.  Many of those who regard themselves as “conservative” are oblivious to their own tendencies towards control and over control.  They endorse all kinds of social legislation oblivious to the fact they are endorsing further enlargement of government.  Furthermore, they accept the entitlements offered them regardless of the fact that the growth of entitlements enslaves them further AND increases the instability of the system.


Those supporting the “status quo” are growing more boisterous and posting more in-your-face comments.  They appear on a continuum of anti-God from agnosticism to overt denigration of God.  On the other hand “constitutionalists” seem to attract more who believe in God but few demonstrate any “fear of The LORD.”


The most alarming trend is the open endorsement of violence.  Yet, when seen in the context of the prevailing culture and the mainstream media and even talk-radio, the clamors to open rebellion and calls to revolution and war become more understandable and, sadly, more acceptable.


Current trends in advertising depict more law enforcement scenarios and more confrontational scenarios.  Overall, there is an alarming trend towards desensitization of assaults upon the human body (gory crimes scenes on television in fantasy morgues) and an acceptance of the violations of basic human and Constitutional rights of “others” (police reality shows).  It’s all perfectly acceptable when it involves “others,” especially in a voyeuristic manner with


It is scary in that there are many precipitating factors towards disorder and violence.  With the sheer ignominy of those elected to represent US failing to represent US properly and acting apposite the will of the people, it appears we may be headed for a show down in the near future.


It saddens me because few seem to realize how much they are being manipulated and as the mechanisms of that manipulation are pointed out to them, they seem eager to “deny” the reality of that manipulation thus increasing the mass of insanity.  The mass delusion of the “leftists” that ‘someone will give me something for nothing’ has played well into the encroaching slavery imposed by BOTH the right (Neo-cons) and the left (Progressives) from followers of Plato to those involved in outright Satan worship and the old religions of the Old Testament (Babylon, Canaan).


Facebook appears to be producing factions mirroring those which will propagate the coming second American Revolution.

The American Dream has Become the American Nightmare

Saturday, August 15th, 2009


Those outside this country need to know that things are not so rosy in America.  Life has changed drastically inside our borders.


We are no longer a free country.  We are no longer a country of the free.


True, we have the “form” of freedom but it has become an empty shell.  With every passing law, rule and regulation we are legislating ourselves out of existence.


We might “think” we are free but we have the most controlled media and that’s not just the “mainstream media” but so-called conservative Talk Radio as well!  It is all propaganda and “programming” designed to control our thinking and even our spiritual lives.


We, America is at an all time low.  We are divided.  We are ripe for invasion.  Of course, those behind the scenes who rule US secretly know they don’t have to cart us off and deport us because they have US enslaved right where we are inside our own borders.


I know you’re going to say, “Dr. Kent, if you don’t love the country, why don’t you leave it?”


Quite simply, I’ve already done that.  How do you think I became educated abroad?


Having tried that experiment, I couldn’t wait to get “home.”  But that was back when we had a fairly intact culture in the 70’s.


Today, we are not allowed a culture of our own.  The policies of “psychologically divide and conquer” are being used to great effectiveness in humbling and destroying America from within.


You want to invade?  You want a piece of US?


Please, bring it on.  At least then we could unite against a seen enemy but these Secret Societies, The New World Order and the old nobility hidden behind the scenes (with its stranglehold on the money system) and controlling all of America and the rest of the world are sucking us dry.


Should we not awake and arise soon, there will be nothing left


Am I the only one left who can see what is going on?








Hey, Obama!

Thursday, May 21st, 2009
Obama Shut the Hell Up!
Obama Shut the Hell Up!

We are tired of hearing you day after day as the mainstream news media makes you into some kind of demigod.

While we realize you are Hitler reincarnated.
Day after day holding news conferences.
Providing US with the Obama version of
The Ultimate Solution!

Has “Talk Radio” Become the Mainstream Media?

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

Has “Talk Radio” Carried the Water for Mainstream Media? 

Is “Talk Radio” all that Independent?  Has “Talk Radio” Perpetuated the Anxiety & Hysteria our Masters Seek? 

Think About the Mass Hysteria Surrounding the Flu!

Earlier this morning I had to laugh at myself as I realized all we who think we are “conservative” and against the Mainstream Media Complex might have bought into another twist in psychosociopolitical warfare and actually done the bidding of the leftists, the “collectivists.”

Think about all the attention we’ve given on Talk Radio and in the blogs on this “non-pandemic” plague otherwise known as the Swine Flu.

Have we not brought undue attention to the situation?

Is this a distraction?

Might this distraction be purposeful?

What might the purpose of such a distraction be?

What important thing might we be missing?

Have we, including myself, bought into carrying the distracting message and inadvertently carried the water of those who lord their power over US?  The collectivists?

Don’t feel bad: 

I bought into it and blogged it myself.  I did not want to be left out and I must laugh at the situation and myself. 

We need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and deceived.

Have we allowed ourselves to be played right into their hands?

Freddie Mac CFO David Kellermann Murdered?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009


Your comments are welcome—


Freddie Mac Acting Chief Financial Officer (CFO) David Kellermann aged 41 was found dead.


While the mainstream media is touting Kellermann’s death as an apparent suicide perhaps associated with the ongoing regulatory inquiries by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), might Kellermann have been murdered?


Which politicians in office and in power might Kellermann have fingered during the ongoing regulatory investigations of the SEC?


What does Kellermann’s death conveniently cover up?


What did those in office fear from Kellermann?


What do those in office fear from an investigation?


What are your ideas?


What are your thoughts?





Banned Statistics! What the Media Government Complex Won’t Tell You:

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

And the 2 banned statistics are . . . .

  • 2.5 million Americans lost jobs in 2008
  • The federal government brought in 1.5 million new foreign workers to take jobs in 2008
  • From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA