Posts Tagged ‘liberty’

Book Review: “The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America” (2005) by Dr. John Coleman

Friday, June 11th, 2010

The Tavistock Institute exposé by Dr. John Coleman may be ground breaking and a necessary read for all psychologists but it left me wanting.  What I expected was more about psychological technique and method than it covers.  Nonetheless, Coleman’s historical focus brings this dastardly institute to the forefront and it is a must read for anyone in the businesses of advertising and psychology.


Years ago I heard of the Tavistock Institute of psychological warfare in relation to H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.  Then at the Arizona Department of Corrections I met a former psychologist educated at Stanford after returning from the Viet Nam War.  He was as a sniper.  He had given up the practice of psychology because he was so disenchanted with the broad sweeping damages our profession is inflicting upon our country and he mentioned that it all started with this little known entity.


The fact is Coleman’s book really should be subtitled “The War Against America.”  This is the group that brought us World War I and all the other conflicts of the last century with their vast human sacrifice.


The first forth of Coleman’s brief book was intriguing; however, the second quarter was a bit repetitive and the sentence structure made me wonder if those pages were from an earlier file that had not been proof read.  Nonetheless, the last half Dr. Coleman’s book had me wanting more.  As Dr. Coleman wrote, this is meant as a companion book to his earlier book The Committee of 300, and I have ordered that book.


Perhaps the greatest contribution of this particular work is its mention of many references and the new perspective it offers on many previously misunderstood writings.  Prepare for a journey into the unknown and your world being turned inside out.  Read The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America with an open mind and keep this book handy for future reference as the insanity of the world unfolds and you find yourself wanting to make sense of it all.  I recommend this read for all who wish for liberty and a restoration of our nation.  Truly, the enemy is larger than we ever thought.



The Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute








The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

Terrorist “Lawfare”

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and many Israeli military are facing charges being brought against them in international courts as Muslim extremists and their  lackeys file charges against them.  This shows how far the Islamic threat and Muslim extremists have gone in just a few short years.  Islam is using the legal system as a weapon against freedom and liberty.

Teddy on Health Care & Self Government

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009


Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt



“We cannot make the Americanization movement a success unless we approach it from the economic standpoint. It is true that governmentally Germany is an autocracy. But there has been a great deal more industrial freedom there than many of our old industrial communities. The German Government says we expect you to work out good results, to get together with the laborer, and yourselves decide what you are going to pay to the doctors who are to pass upon the health of the employes, and the amount of damages any employe merits. The Government insists upon a great amount of self-government by the people themselves.

“I feel that by insistence upon proper housing conditions we shall indirectly approach this. I want to see the immigrant know that he has got to spend a certain amount of his money in decent housing; that he will not be allowed to live on $2.50 per month board basis.

The New York Times.  (February 2, 1916) “A Roosevelt Idea Made in Germany.” p. 5.

What we need to learn from this is that we were and are expected to govern ourselves when it comes to selecting medical care and medical costs.  What we have done since 100 years ago is give up our responsibility and, without realizing it (yet), our freedom.  Freedom to determine the best course of medical treatment for ourselves.

What we have today are the “strong arm tactics” of the insurance industry.  Insurance came from the strong arm tactics of protectionism.  It evolved from the Sheriff of Nottingham requiring peasants pay him for protection.  Of course, there is a certain ironic element of extortion in that!

La Costa Nostra was famous for demanding “payment” in exchange for “protection.”   So, today, 100 years later we have given up huge rights (and duties) in our self-government and in our health care.  We are being held hostage (extorted) by the health insurance companies!

The insurance companies have spoiled everything!  Their policies & procedures have ruined professional practise and limited treatments available.  We have the worst health on the planet as a result of the gargantuan health care system the government has regulated into existence.  The coming “change” in government rationed health care by committee is going to wreak further havoc upon our health.

Roosevelt Bears

Roosevelt Bears








Hope & Change

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Ready to defend house, home and liberty from all tyrants.

Wake-Up Call

Friday, January 9th, 2009


Once in a while we get a little chance to assess our lives and try to determine where we’ve been, where we are going to and where we want to go to. What we want to do with our lives. I just received another such “opportunity” and I don’t let this one pass me by.


What I am witnessing today is a meltdown of the Constitution of the United States of America and the results of decades of insanity among the people and our leaders. We can no longer think right as human beings. We seem to all gravitate to what I call “the lowest common denominator” in our behavior. Rather than risking offending others, we seek to earn their approval by mimicking their poor choices in behaviors.


And we are so out of it; we are so insane that we are unable to realize how far we’ve fallen as a civilization and how fragile civilization truly is, has become and has always been. My fear is that we are going to descend into disorder so quickly that we will fail to realize what has hit us and what we are doing.


My job, at this point in my life, is to wake up my fellow Americans in the hopes that we might rally around the Constitution of the United States of America and once again thrive as a nation of freemen, as free individuals within that nation. Moreover, I pray we might be able to export our ideals and see to it men and women around the world go free.


We, in this country, are so insane that we fail to recognize the reality for what it is. We had the best form of government ever to come into existence on the planet but we have given it away, given it up, and handed ourselves over to the most banal types of existence and slaveries ever to exist on the face of the earth.


We used to be freemen and that meant something, but now we sell ourselves and each other down the drain so quickly that there is no ring around the tub. But the slime that sticks to the sides as our humanity and character have gone down the drain cannot be mistaken. Truly, we have descended to new depths.


We are fools who are so easily fooled. We think “someone will give me something for nothing.” And we live by that mass delusion. We elect presidents based upon what they promise to give us rather than upon the character of that individual. We are facing the end of our rights to exist as freemen and we deserve no better than the coming slavery.


We have abandoned our God and in return are Lord has abandoned us. We have destroyed the mechanisms which our Constitution was endowed in order to protect our liberty and we deserve nothing less than the slavery we are getting. 


This is not to say we could not have an American Renaissance but it is not going to be easy. If we believe the last election was fair and true, then there are a lot of Americans whose minds will have to be changed and who spirits will have to be reawakened. On the other hand if the last election was a farce and a fraud, then we are going to have hell to pay, literally hell on earth in order to throw off the yoke that our “leaders” are trying to foist off on us.


People call in and ask me, “What can be done about it?” They want to know what they can do about it. First of all each individual needs to educate him or herself. Those who say they don’t have time to read don’t deserve anything but slavery. Those who refuse to educate themselves and bring themselves up to speed regarding the truth abut the history of the nature of our Constitution and the American Revolution do not deserve freedom.


We may actually have to fight on our own soil.  The problem is: “what are we going to fight about?” Or “what are we going to fight for?” If society truly descends into disorder then lines may be drawn based upon simple things such as race but the fact is what divides us is not something so obvious and so simplistic as visual appearances. How are we going to fight, or ferret out those so-called liberals among us who want to do nothing more than enslave us who merely want a return to the Constitution and rule under law is beyond me?


Those who rule us definitely are above the laws. They remind us about that time and time again. But the tyranny that seems to exist appears to be a tyranny of bureaucracy.  It is elusive but it is time to slay the beast and lay it to rest once and for ever. The federal government as it is today must be cut to pieces and large bodies of it buried and laid to rest.  I suggest we start with that most “un-federal” tyrant—the so-called “Federal” Reserve.  Once we slay that beast, reigning in a Congress that has been running wild for far too long will be easily achieved.