Posts Tagged ‘Henry Kissinger’

Gates (and Obama) Play “The Race Card” One Too Many Times

Friday, July 24th, 2009

This makes me sick but in the words of a famous 😉 American statesman*:

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

I hope that President Obama and Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s use of the Race Card will finally

Make the Race Card go away!

We, the American people, now have the benefit of seeing how racist Obama really is.

We, American citizens, now get a bird’s eye view of Obama’s hate & loathing of the “White Race.”

(I hate those terms: White.  Whitey.)

Perhaps now we Americans will recognize that racism is alive and well in the United States and

Being kept alive by cow towing to racist policies such as Affirmative Action

We need to put those policies to rest and end this insane

Policy of racism created by “well-intending” Congressmen**  almost 50 years ago.

Instead of race relations getting better

Race relations have gotten worse.

Stop the official policy of the Federal Government of discriminating

Against caucasians and

Against men!

* US current Secretary of State Rahm Emanuel

Echoed in writing & reinforced by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

**Those proponents of such policies

(The State Department and those wicked people behind the scenes,

i.,e. Secret Societies)

Knew exactly where that divisive policy would lead US!

PS Ever hear of “divide and conquer?”

The War on America

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

Ask Henry How US Water Became Fluoridated

Thursday, June 18th, 2009


I am not kidding:


Ask Henry Kissinger how our drinking water became fluoridated!


That may sound absurd but consider Kissinger’s past and his role in bringing the Nazi War Machine over here at the close of World War II as the head of Operation Paperclip and you’ll soon understand why.


Young Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here during the close of World War II and settling them in the United States, Argentina and other places around the world.


While the focus of the public was on stories like Peenemünde in which we were spoon fed the idea that we, the United States got half of the German rocket scientists and Russia kidnapped the other half of the Nazi rocket scientists at the close of World War II, there is far more to the story.  The story of Operation Paperclip remains untold because much of it is still classified.


IMHO, we got ALL of the German biological and chemical weapons scientists.  


It is well documented in Leonard Horowitz’s works that those bastards were settled in Fort Detrick, Maryland where they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War.  They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day (keeping all of its personnel) as The National Cancer Institute.


But this is what is so telling: 


The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world in part by fluoridating the drinking water supplies and “down regulating” everyone so that control and order under the domination of such a small force might be manageable.


Is this what is going on wholesale?  Might the central planners be poisoning us, albeit mildly, in order to control us?  In order to create markets for their other compounds marketed as “anti-depressants?”


This begs the question: 


Why has the United States federal government been so fixated upon “clean water” programs featuring sodium fluoridated water and water laced with fluorosilicic acid? 


Why can we not opt out of federal government programs requiring fluoridation of our drinking water and rely upon topically applied stannous fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay?


Why are we not free to do this?


Führer Obama: “We are at the Beginning of the End” @ Denver Airport 17 Feb 2009

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Folks, when you have the understanding or consciousness I have, you begin to hear what is really being said and what it means.  I admit I don’t pay much attention to the news because it is so disturbing.  People really don’t know what is going on, what is happening around them.  Who am I to inform them disaster is coming?


Simply put, Obama is saying things meant to be heard by a select few, certainly not the masses.  Yet, if you listen carefully, he is telling all and you can hear what he is really about.  Delivering his address & signing his misnomered “Stimulus Bill” at the ‘shrine’ known as the Denver Airport is really a major sign.


First of all, you old folks who elected Obama signed off on your own death warrants as Obama brings home the genocide.  The Daschle provisions buried approximately 470 pages inside that bill (See “Comparative Effectiveness Review” earlier in my blog.) are the beginnings of government rationing of health care, not that HMO’s haven’t been doing that for years.  However, now it becomes law. 


Those of over age 62 who elected das Führer are getting what they want:  Obama’s going to take care of you and assure that you become “patriots” by legislation (& committee)—you will give up your life for the good of the country!


Second, the Denver International Airport is more than symbolic.  While the Denver Airport is plastered with art work symbolic of the greatest evils across history, the airport may be functional function beyond what is seen.  Reports are there are numerous underground rooms and more runways than meet the eyes.  Might it be the hub for holding & transporting large amounts of people?


Third, I am beginning to find credibility in the rumors that Hitler had a plan for everything—including “losing” the War* which would allow the cause to be exported wholesale to the United States.  Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of “Operation Paperclip.”  Through “Operation Paperclip” the United States inherited German scientists including half of their rocket scientists, and I suspect almost all of the Nazi chemical & biological weapons departments.


Correct me if I am wrong, but did I hear Obama emphasize yesterday that we are at “the beginning of the end?”  Does not that phrase stand out?  Is he celebrating The New World Order by holding a signing ceremony at the Denver Airport in the midst of their “art” work?


If you read the three basic books I recommend, you will realize we (The United States & particularly our State Department) are responsible for most of the genocides committed during the last century.  If you don’t read, then you do you deserve life, liberty and property?  Or, as Jefferson penned: “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?”


You tell me.


You are losing your property and your liberty.  What’s next?


Stay tuned for more.


*Allow me to elaborate:  It was more of a plan to “lose the Battle” [World War II] in order to bring “the War” [The New World Order aka The Fight Between Good & Evil] to full fruition.


Kissinger: Obama primed to create ‘New World Order’

Sunday, January 25th, 2009


Drew Zahn writes for WorldNetDaily:

“Policy guru says global upheaval presents ‘great opportunity'”

“Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order,” according to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon.” 

If anybody would know, Kissinger would!  Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat who almost single-handedly brought over the bulk of the Nazi science war machine to the US!  Kissinger oversaw “Operation Paperclip.”  Not merely the rocket scientists but the biological guys who setup house at Ft. Detrick, Maryland and are still there!