Posts Tagged ‘Governor Jan Brewer’


Saturday, June 26th, 2010


How to Cure the Illegal Alien Problem–Help Save Arizona

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

We can stop this right here and now. We free men & women need to take the stand in Arizona, but this requires local help. So, here’s what we do:

Governor Jan Brewer needs to notify the Federal Government that Arizona is withdrawing from the Union citing a breach in contract in which the United States has failed “to provide for the common defense.” Then, the Arizona Governor together with local authorities especially the sheriffs need to organize, supervise and control volunteer efforts of citizens to use all the force necessary to confront and stop all illegal entries into the State of Arizona across our country’s southern border. Concerned and able bodied (armed) citizens need to converge on Arizona and volunteer to help save Arizona.

That’s my suggest. What’s yours?

Dear Arizona Governor Jan Brewer—

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

It’s time to take the next step.  This not only puts you on the map long term; more importantly, it is the right thing to do.


Announce: A second end to slavery in the United States of America.


Make it clear that (a) you are ending the slavery of lower wages for foreign born workers who have entered Arizona illegally AND (b) you are ending the slavery of the common Arizona man and woman forcing citizens to pay for the welfare, support and other entitlement programs for illegal aliens.


Then, make it a crime in Arizona to hire an illegal alien.  Make it a misdemeanor to unwittingly employ an illegal alien and a felony to wittingly (knowingly) hire an illegal alien.


At your service . . .




Dr. Kent











Governor Brewer, Get Your Head out of Your Ass: It is NOT “Education” you are Saving but “Indoctrination”

Friday, July 10th, 2009


Get your head out of your ass


Hear, learn and use your mind.


“Public Education” has been totally compromised in this country.  Education in the USA has been nothing more than indoctrination and “brain washing” for decades.


You need to let the system die.  The current system of “public indoctrination” you mistakenly call “public education” has resulted in the “dumbing down” of all us.  Few can think clearly.  Almost no one can think independently.  We’ve lost the capacity to think critically.


It’s all because of the great centralized screw job we foist off on an unsuspecting public calling it “public education” when all this brain washing system has done is contributed to our demise and the miserable state we are experiencing.  We are enslaved in our minds and have lost our most precious capacity for freedom.


But wait, there’s more.  These are the “good days” and what is coming will be far worse than anything you can imagine.


Therefore, pull the plug on this bastard child mistakenly called “education.”  Let free enterprise in education have half a fighting chance.  We might again be able to produce fighting men and women, citizens who can think critically and analyze accurately.

Another ADOC Inmate Dies from Heat Stroke

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009


Marsha Powell became another victim of neglect & negligence at the Arizona Department of Corrections earlier today.  Inmate Powell was held for approximately 3 & ½ hours outside in an uncovered holding cell in the Arizona sun across midday in clear violation of ADOC Policy.  Under ADOC Policy use of such holding cells is limited to 2 hours.


Inmate Powell was being held outside waiting for a psychological evaluation and apparently was forgotten.  While four (4) corrections officers were sent home on Administrative Leave with Pay under investigation, it appears ADOC mental health staff, commonly known as “psych,” once again gets off scot free.


There is no mention of the investigation including ADOC Counseling & Treatment Services and the contributions of “psych” to the negligent demise of Inmate Powell.  Powell apparently was a “psych” patient and/or was to be assessed for possible need for mental health treatment and/or possible emergency intervention.


While security at ADOC is obviously understaffed and corrections officers stretched thin, past the point of breaking and past the point of the safe & orderly running of ADOC facilities, such as at the Perryville penitentiary, ADOC was severely compromised under the Napolitano-Schriro Administrations.  ADOC has deteriorated since Governor Brewer took office and Chuck Ryan replaced Schriro earlier this year.


Morale at ADOC has been extremely low since Chuck Ryan took over the helm.  Ryan was appointed by Governor Jan Brewer earlier this year.  Since Ryan’s appointment many corrections officers, commonly & wrongly referred to as “guards,” have opted to retire early from ADOC rather than continue working under such terrible conditions.


Previously, I reported on the demise of another inmate due to heat stroke at the Arizona State Prison Complex—Lewis (ASPC-Lewis).  That was covered up.  More importantly, during the previous death at a men’s penitentiary, the officers left the inmate exposed purposely in a holding cell outside of Medical to kill that convict!


Ultimately, Medical covered up for the negligence of security in that inmate’s death.  At least in the Powell death, Ryan has ordered a (partial) investigation. 


One wonders who is in charge of “psych” at Perryville? 


One wonders which Psychologist II’s, which Psychological Associate II’s, and which Supervising Psychologist III may have been on duty or were supposed to have been available to see that obviously distressed and in need of treatment female inmate in a timely fashion?


Let the investigation be expanded to cover the real causes of Inmate Marsha Powell’s death and the contributory negligence of Counseling & Treatment Services staff for failing to respond in a timely fashion. 


Moreover, I urge opening an investigation on the previous heat stroke death due to exposure at ASPC-Lewis.  It appeared that death contained a certain degree of premeditation.


Maybe it is time the FBI came in and investigated these undue losses of life?


Neither inmate was sentenced to death!


RedFlex Photo Radar Van Technician Doug Georgianni Killed

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009


Please—Feel free to post you comments. 


While I cannot condone manslaughter, it is understandable in the current environment.  Sadly, this incident feeds right into Napolitano’s recent admonitions concerning “domestic” terrorism.


This morning I heard Ankarlo utter some absolute rubbish!  When & if KTAR and Ankarlo are sued because of Ankarlo’s irresponsible statements encouraging marginally stable persons to commit suicide necessitates pulling him from the air!  Perhaps that is the real reason why Ankarlo Mornings changed hosts during the past hour?


Certainly there is support to the idea that photo radar cameras and the inordinate amount of surveillance violate our Constitutional rights.  And we can thank the last administration, the Bush Administration for this.


Nonetheless, the irresponsible talk continues this very hour on KTAR and I am just tired of Barely-Famous Barry Young’s histrionics.  KFYI’s “Barely-Man-Enough Barry Young” is generally irritating and insulting.  Certainly, I wish there was someone else besides those two to listen to in the morning on Talk Radio.


But allow me to come to my point:  Let’s apply one principle to this matter and be done with it.


DPS Director Roger Vanderpool listen up.  You’ve made a lot of mistakes, serious mistakes—which will come to light in my blog.  But, I hope you as the man in charge of those cameras will agree with me. 


Governor Jan Brewer give me your attention.  You’ve inherited a lot of mistakes, which you have been loath to denounce and change.  But, I hope you as the woman in charge of DPS Director Vanderpool and most everything in the State will see the wisdom in my recommendations.


Let’s end this insane spying on one another and undue stress and anxiety on our roads.  Let’s apply the principle that has been so often exploited to invoke law after law in the name of saving the children.  How many times have we heard?


If it saves only one life . . .


If it saves only one child . . .


It will be worth it.


Put an end to this insanity and end these off-the-wall discussions by pulling those cameras, admitting it was a bad idea and

do it now!




Because I guarantee it will save at least one life.


It will save at least one more life.


And to insist upon being stiff necked and keeping those draconian cameras in place and continuing the stress & anxiety on the roadways and on us all, will render you, Brewer & Vanderpool et al., complicit in the next murder(s)!


What’s your opinion on this? 


Is the alleged Thomas Patrick Destories a hero or a victim?


How responsible should KTAR be if any one commits suicide because of irresponsible utterances encouraging them to kill themselves?



What’s your opinion?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Must Go!

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

If the Republicans want to keep the Governor’s Office, they’d better bring a different candidate forward during the next election or risk losing the Governor’s Office once again to Democrats!  There is no choice.  Either bring forward a far stronger candidate who is a real leader or lose!


While Governor Jan Brewer made an excellent Secretary of State, it is readily apparent that the current Republican Governor is not a “leader.”  Why?  First, almost as soon as Brewer took office, she went to work on “political appearances” and attending “feel good” publicity events.  She appeared to be focused on running (prematurely) for election to the office she had just inherited!


Second, Brewer does not have the intelligence of her predecessor former Governor Janet Napolitano.  Napolitano is more intelligent and was a far more effective as a leader than Brewer—even though Napolitano’s philosophy and policies were misguided she was effective.


The discriminating point is that after more than a month in office, it is readily apparent that Jan Brewer is not leading!  Rather than make decisions herself, Brewer is requiring division directors under her to make major decisions.  While this might seem to be respectful of the division director’s turf, it is neglect of her gubernatorial responsibilities to the citizenry of Arizona.  And apparently Brewer thinks that by avoiding making the tough decisions and allowing others to lead her, she might not offend anyone, thereby be more electable during her first real run for the Governor’s Office.


Advice to Governor Jan Brewer: 


The only way to survive, for both you politically and the State, you need to lead.  You need to make the tough decisions.  Hard times require one to make serious decisions and not be derelict in duties by forcing underlings to make decisions you ought to be making.


This requires a commitment to make the tough decisions and the right decisions regardless of who might be offended.  And the final irony is it appears Governor Jan Brewer is going to accept the Federal Bail Out with all strings attached.  Those strings reek of former Governor Janet Napolitano’s handiwork:  Brewer is letting Napolitano continue to dictate to her and allow her to run the Arizona Governor’s Office from Washington, DC!


My advice:


Governor Brewer, you are a nice lady.  Put your personal political ambitions aside.  Make the commitment to serve Arizona to the best of YOUR abilities.  Make the tough decisions and take the responsibility.  Make the commitment to see Arizona to fiscal health and a return to sound policy. 


Prepare to step aside for another Republican candidate for the good of your party and the State.  Be prepared to return to your position and wonderful service as Arizona’s Secretary of State.


Otherwise, your wishy-washiness and noncommittal approach to leadership will doom any run for the Governor’s Office and risk Arizona suffering through another Democrat governor, maybe even making it possible for Terry Goddard to be elected Governor.


Goddard must resign as Attorney General.  Goddard has allowed his offices to be used unethically and in a fashion it could charged under RICO—the criminal laws for prosecuting organized crime—which is what Goddard has allowed the Attorney General’s Office to become!

ADOC Director Charles Ryan’s Response==>Chicken Shit Cover Your Ass (CYA) Move

Thursday, February 26th, 2009



Attached is an accurate .pdf copy of a letter I received today from ADOC Director Ryan.  It is also copied below within my blog to enable easy searching.


Actually, I am certain this letter was penned by ADOC Counselor Susan Rogers.  Apparently, this letter was sent in response to my queries requesting a meeting with ADOC Director Ryan.  BTW, I copied that correspondence openly to Governor Jan brewer and I will post it all soon for your ongoing entertainment.


After opening and reading this letter (Man!  What a long letter!  NOT!) I called the author Attorney Susan Rogers; however, she was on the phone.  I left a message directing her to my blog and informing her that any correspondence I address to ADOC would be here, in this public forum.


Likewise, I left another brief message with Mr. Ryan’s office leaving my phone number—again.


Folks, I don’t think these folks understand I am not going away and I certainly haven’t kept my mouth shut this far.  What makes them think I will at this point in time?


ADOC administration has done their best to hurt and damage me since 2004.  They really need to learn how to treat people better.


Lately, I’ve not published much because my conversions were not allowing me to copy information and post it openly in the body of my blog making it accessible to searches.  However, I discovered the rather expensive program I bought for such chores does the job whereas the cheaper .pdf conversion program does not.


So, stay tuned.  This blog will get much larger.  I intend to make certain folks at ADOC and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners very famous.  Infamous!



ari3otta Department of Correction

(602) 542-5497
www.azcorrections.g ov




February 24, 2009

Dr. John Kent

933 W. Azalea Place Chandler, AZ 85248

Dear Dr. Kent:

It is my understanding that you have information regarding the Department of Corrections that you would like to bring to my attention. Please feel free to forward your information to me for review.

Thank you for your interest in the Arizona Department of Corrections.

cc:               Susan Rogers, General Counsel



Charles L. Ryan Director



Correction ADOC Interim Director Chuck Ryan: Advice for Governor Jan Brewer

Thursday, February 12th, 2009


Correcting the record per the disclosures posted by Iris on:


There is an error regarding Mr. Ryan and this is the only possible error of all that was posted.  In other words, all of it is true with the possible exception of the one statement that Mr. Ryan had been forced out of ADOC or ADC as the current web page under construction calls the Arizona Department of Corrections. 


I call ADOC or ADC something else, as one may see from the categories on my blog.  And the rest of The Valley shall soon refer to ADOC as the Department of “Corruption.


During my interview I mentioned it had been reported to me one of the superiors in ADOC had been “forced to leave ADOC upon threat of death;” however, my ability to recall names is somewhat impaired. 


I do not recall the name of the man who was forced to leave “due to his lack of support for Governor Napolitano” and walk off from ADOC and his ASRS retirement.  Perhaps it was Terry Stewart.


However, I recall the name and attributes quite well of the officer who confided those things in me.  It was given somewhat in confidence and accompanied by emotional frustration and disgust at how corrupt ADOC was and remains.


Nonetheless, I can tell you that Mr. Ryan has been the “Interim Director” of ADOC in the past, perhaps even many times.  Moreover, there is one hallmark, one characteristic that is unforgettable about Chuck Ryan:


Chuck Ryan was not well liked by the rank & file. 


In fact, to say that Mr. Ryan was “hated” would not be too strong.


Allow me to paraphrase a lifetime ADOC employee who knew Chuck Ryan intimately: 


‘Chuck Ryan was an asshole.  He was born an asshole and he’s always going to be an asshole.  He’s a short man.  He has “little man syndrome” (and “tan hair”).  He’s always going to be an asshole.  Everyone hates him!


Chuck Ryan has been disliked for years by the rank & file of ADOC security officers, administrative support & health services alike.


My advice to Governor Jan Brewer:




Unless the Governor wants to send a message to the hard working men & women at ADOC that the Governor doesn’t give a hoot for the men & women who work hard at ADOC!