Posts Tagged ‘God’s wrath’

Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Pat Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism
Broadcaster’s annual predictions also assure economic turnaround

Posted: January 03, 2009
6:34 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily


“Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, announced at his staff’s annual prayer retreat that God told him Americans would embrace socialism in 2009 “in order to relieve their pain” and that the economy would rebound under an Obama administration.

“”The Lord said the economy of your nation will recover,” Robertson told a group assembled at Founders Inn on the campus of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., a university Robertson founded.

“Robertson said God also declared, “The steps taken will lead to a dramatic increase in the power of government. The people will welcome socialism in order to relieve their pain. Nothing will stand in the way of a plan by Obama to restructure the economy in the same fashion as the New Deal in the ’30s.”

If you can’t trust the leaders of the Christian church, who can you trust?

 The answer: 

Certainly neither Robertson nor other mainstream leaders.

Batten down the hatches.

June 2009



God’s Wrath