Posts Tagged ‘Giving Psychology Away’

Facebook Face Offs

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A couple of days ago I was lambasted on Facebook.  While I went with it posting candidly, it got rather insulting.  Still, I kept my comments honest.  Sadly, they were not appreciated.  Moreover, my expertise and credibility were challenged.

Part of that challenge was because I was employing or had “invented” “new terms”  that “had not been accepted,” yet.  Actually, I have been inventive.  I use the term “Positive Projective Psychology” and the terms “Negative Projective Process” and “Negative Projective Psychology” to differentiate my perspective from the common clinical practises of the day–which I consider sub-par treatment!  So, I am guilty as charged.  Those are new concepts and they are mine.

Also, I use advanced concepts which have not been heard much.  In part, this is because I am ahead of the curve.  An example of this is Bipolar Disorder Type III.  While this is not is use yet, you’ll hear about it if it makes it past the hurdles in committee formulating the new DSM-V.  I heard about Bipolar Disorder Type III three years ago.  It is a significant development in that it is a bold-faced admission that psychiatric medications cause permanent mental illness!

It bothers me that I was attacked but then those who attacked me, don’t know me.  In fact, they don’t know anything!  I was called a “narcissistic.”  I guess everyone thinks they are a psychologist or they can practise psychology.  I wish I had a little more narcissism in me but I am the way I am, as God intended me.

My middle initial should be “G” because I have been gullible.  It took me years believing in what I was taught in school to realize what a farce my field was (and is) and how much damage clinical psychology (as practised today) is doing to our society.  I owe the people of Mississippi a lot but that debt has been discharged fully in my service to those wonderful folks at low pay for several years and that was time well spent. 

It was inside the walls of Arizona’s maximum security prisons that I honed my craft and developed quick and concise skills of intervention with those who needed my services most.  They may not have been deserving but I was saving lives–the lives of those on the outside as my murderers, rapists and thieves were released back to society. 

Had I been more narcissistic, I might have not worked there and gone into private practise and still have a license and a practise today.  Maybe I would have published and become better known but I would never have developed the razor sharp skills of intervention and the insights in psychology I have.

I regard my contributions to the field of psychology and the body of scientific knowledge as minor, but I know the best psychology and psychologists.  The most significant contributor of our time is Steven Hayes, Ph.D. and his “Acceptance & Commitment Therapy,” the most advanced form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), also known as ACT.  Dr. Hayes has answered most of the questions B.F. Skinner asked in 1952.  I am proud to have had Steven as a guest on my Talk Radio Show “Giving Psychology Away.”

These days I am struggling.  When you get to the level of consciousness I have, you see clearly what is going on and the trends are alarming.  However, there is solace for me in knowing that I am in the latter half of my life.  I have seen some incredible inventions.  I remember the invention of the ball point pen.  What a breakthrough that was!  The computer had already been invented but transistors came on the scene shortly after I was born.

But I have also seen the rise of the audacity of man.  A puny little man who challenges God!  And the foolishness grows.

I was born into a private family that was going military.  Because of the shelter that provided, I saw our country as it was during its Golden Days and the Golden Age of the United States of America has passed so long ago that few remain alive to tell of it and no one wants to hear about it. 

Still, what we saw, witnessed and lived were not our best days.  We were not at out best.  A simple reading of the newspapers of colonial times reveals a far more educated population.  The average colonial citizen was a genius compared to those our institutions of higher learning of today produce with doctorates.  I have seen “inflation” and “degradation” in our educational system. 

It is all corrupt, controlled by an elite we do not see.  We do not know.  And we are complacent to let the status quo go on unimpeded while it slowly destroys US and plans our further enslavement.  They already have our minds but this captivity is not that different from the exiles of the Jews to Babylon. 

Moreover, we are beholden to the same group of repugnant worshippers of power.  Power given from the following of Lucifer and making deals with the devil.  The fight between Good & evil (sic).

My Absence of the past six months . . .

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

 . . . was necessary in order to avoid more retaliation at the hands of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners.  Since then I have successfully retired my psychologist licenses and I have left the State of Arizona.

It’s good to be back blogging and in Alaska.  I have added twitter to my web presence at

However, I am still in recovery after a long ordeal that began at the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) and was continued by the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners.  But I can report gains and discoveries.

If you read my new tabbed web pages entitled “Giving Psychology Away” and “Positive Projective Psychology,” I think you’ll begin to get a flavor of why I left the field and gave up my psychologist licenses.

Psychologists are supposed to be stalwarts of society and when psychologists begin to make wrong choices and do bad things, all of society suffers.  As you read my blog, you will come to understand what I am referring to.

I promise I won’t let you down.  I will do the right thing and I will astound you with my insights and revelations.

After giving practically everything  I owned away (donating) and returning to Alaska, getting settled has been rough.  Day Light Savings Time is terrible; Day Light Savings Time  is bad for biological systems.

The drive up the Alaskan Canadian Highway (the Alcan) was an ordeal.  It became the second most dangerous ride of my life only after my family’s first excursion up the Alcan in the summer of 1969 before it was paved.  Back then we drove in a cloud of dust and slid the whole way up on the fist-sized rocks they called gravel.  Only this time I was driving.  Except for my cat and my dog I was alone.

I hit the road just five days after the first snowfall.  Snow removal was poor to non-existent as the Canadians had just broken out their snow removal equipment.  The road was icy and deeply rutted by truck tire chains.   I had a tire blow out on my trailer at speed. 

It seemed everyone who was towing a trailer ended up off the road in the ditch and stuck exceptfor me in my AWD SUV with its sophisticated traction controls.  It took every bit of its 450 HP to pull me and my trailer back up onto the road when I was trying to avoid T-boning an 18-wheeler on the morning of my last day on the Alcan.  My U-Haul trailer ended up weighing several hundred pounds more and looked like a dirty ice cube–covered in sheets & slabs of ice and dirt in Whitehorse.  Worst of all: My cat Curly died in Edmonton.  I really miss him.  Curly used to rouse me every morning and insisted we played first thing.  He was a good cat. 

I met some really nice people on the road back and the overriding concensus:  We were all gladly leaving the lower 48 states in order to escape the ominous fate of the contiguous states and their big cities. 

Everyone felt we were leaving Sodom & Gomora just in time.  Indeed, we have.  More on that later.  Much much more.

Welcome, to the newly improved Dr. Kent web site.  I hope my fans will find me and once again make my blog and web site rise to the top of Internet search engines.

Your suggestions for my web site & blog and my web presence and your continued prayers & support are greatly appreciated.

At your service,

Dr. Kent