Eustace Mullens in his crowning work "The Curse of Canaan" (see my book review ) wrote that there has been a long standing and poorly recognized race war against white peoples. With the head of The New World Order being from the Venetian Black Nobility, the House of Guelph, it is fast becoming apparent that this Race War is real!
“Over the past three decades, over 6 million White Africans have been displaced from their birthlands, OVER 40,000 HAVE BEEN MURDERED ! some of them having been rooted in Southern Africa for over 500 years and knowing no other fatherland. The last group currently being targeted by the radical ANC government in South Africa are the Afrikaners, victims of both a murder campaign and a range of devastating race laws which limit their access to jobs, education and capital. not to mention their farms being SEIZED by the goverment !”
From page A3 of the July 24, 2009 edition of the East Valley Tribune comes the following published comment:
“This is our land. This is Aztlan and always will be. And no you wouldn’t have fruits and vegtagles (sic) to eat because white people wouldn’t work in the fields like Mexicans do. Your families should have never came her (sic) on their boats from Europe if they didn’t like Mexicans. Wish you would all go back and let the Indians and Mexicans have their land back.”
Obviously those are fighting words and indicators of intended genocide.
I will never say Mexicans are not hard workers. The fact is, at risk of stereotyping, Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the planet.
Nonetheless, I do not appreciate being stereotyped as ‘not liking Mexicans.’ I don’t like illegals and I don’t appreciate this hate speech.*
However, Alejandro’s comments are commonly shared and readily expressed; more importantly, his thoughts prove several points:
We are in trouble in the Southwestern United States.
We have been invaded by those who wish us harm,
Maybe even wish genocide on the white race.
If we fail to get the SAVE Act passed properly,
We are in for far more trouble.
*But remember this is not “hate speech”
According to Federal law
Only whites have the ability to hate!
Truly, it is a policy to divide & conquer–this country!
If Sotomayor is confirmed, then it is all over.Forget about all of your rights and the Constitution, not just your Second Amendment Rights.
Come this fall after Sotomayor’s lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court, you will see the most draconian laws ever enacted against gun owners.
Remember, Hitler never incarcerated any group without a court order.Hitler always made sure the judges backed his every move.Nazi judges ordered those marginalized and ostracized groups into Concentration Camps.
With Sotomayor on the Supreme Court, Fürher Obama will begin strutting showing his true colors—and they ain’t pretty.
All you Christians who fell for the bait and voted for Obama will soon see our Christian religion made illegal, our worship turned into “hate crimes” and made illegal.
These are not “liberals.”
They’re “illiberals.”
They are not “socialists.”
Nor are they “progressive.”
They aren’t even “communists.”
They are Luciferians and Satanists
Come to take us back to the dark ages
To regress civilization permanently under their rule.
It can happen here.
It is happening here.
And you stupid people who would not listen to me and others because you thought us extremist or intolerant are going to have one hell of a wake up call.
Read about the French Revolution.
Read about Stalin’s purging his own people.
What’s happening here is going to make those look like mererehearsals!
Inform your Congressman that you want to be able to (a) not take their vaccine and (b) not be quarantined in a mass camp and (c) be able to seclude with your family.
-On all video posted on Dr. Kent's Blog for your security-
Leonard Horowitz, DMD has a proclivity for getting to the bottom of things; moreover, Dr. Horowitz has a reputation for naming names and making the truth public.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz has written many books publishing contracts proving conspiracies in bioterrorism and The New World Order. I shall review one of his books on my blog soon.
Has he discovered the "Smoking Gun" behind the outbreak of the flu in Mexico City?
Watch & listen as Dr. Horowitz names people and organizations that may be involved in the release of a man made pathogen for profit:
Folks, when you have the understanding or consciousness I have, you begin to hear what is really being said and what it means.I admit I don’t pay much attention to the news because it is so disturbing.People really don’t know what is going on, what is happening around them.Who am I to inform them disaster is coming?
Simply put, Obama is saying things meant to be heard by a select few, certainly not the masses.Yet, if you listen carefully, he is telling all and you can hear what he is really about.Delivering his address & signing his misnomered “Stimulus Bill” at the ‘shrine’ known as the Denver Airport is really a major sign.
First of all, you old folks who elected Obama signed off on your own death warrants as Obama brings home the genocide.The Daschle provisions buried approximately 470 pages inside that bill (See “Comparative Effectiveness Review” earlier in my blog.) are the beginnings of government rationing of health care, not that HMO’s haven’t been doing that for years.However, now it becomes law.
Those of over age 62 who elected das Führer are getting what they want:Obama’s going to take care of you and assure that you become “patriots” by legislation (& committee)—you will give up your life for the good of the country!
Second, the Denver International Airport is more than symbolic.While the Denver Airport is plastered with art work symbolic of the greatest evils across history, the airport may be functional function beyond what is seen.Reports are there are numerous underground rooms and more runways than meet the eyes.Might it be the hub for holding & transporting large amounts of people?
Third, I am beginning to find credibility in the rumors that Hitler had a plan for everything—including “losing” the War* which would allow the cause to be exported wholesale to the United States.Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of “Operation Paperclip.” Through “Operation Paperclip” the United States inherited German scientists including half of their rocket scientists, and I suspect almost all of the Nazi chemical & biological weapons departments.
Correct me if I am wrong, but did I hear Obama emphasize yesterday that we are at “the beginning of the end?”Does not that phrase stand out?Is he celebrating The New World Order by holding a signing ceremony at the Denver Airport in the midst of their “art” work?
If you read the three basic books I recommend, you will realize we (The United States & particularly our State Department) are responsible for most of the genocides committed during the last century.If you don’t read, then you do you deserve life, liberty and property?Or, as Jefferson penned: “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?”
You tell me.
You are losing your property and your liberty.What’s next?
Stay tuned for more.
*Allow me to elaborate:It was more of a plan to “lose the Battle” [World War II] in order to bring “the War” [The New World Order aka The Fight Between Good & Evil] to full fruition.
While Bloomberg covers part of this, one must be a member of the Medical Community to get full access to these proposals.Moreover, the Medical Community will “shut up” in short order and “go along” to “get along” because in order to survive professionally they will soon be forced to knuckle under.
Folks, this is The New World Order and the FDA:
The “Federal Death Administration.”
What is being rushed through unopposed by either party, including so-called “Republicans,” is:
Physicians will NOT be allowed to treat any “chronic” condition in anyone age 62 & over.
Age 62 is critical because that is the age for Social Security.They don’t want us to draw it unless you’re an illegal alien.Then they’ll make any illegal “disabled.”
Neither Drudge nor Bloomberg report this, but here is the flash through the Medical Community via physicians who subscribe and are members to medical databases which spell out the sordid details of how the new administration, Obama and “Change,” are going to target older people in the United States for termination.Some will die more slowly and more painful deaths than others according to medical experts consulted.
Sadly, three (3) so-called Republicans (and this time it’s not John McCain) who are females have jumped sides and there’s no stopping Obama’s Stimulus Package.
God save us and open the eyes of these three Republican “Death Angels” and the Democrats.