Posts Tagged ‘FEMA camps’

Sotomayor Leads the Way for Nazi Styled Court Rulings that Paved the Way for Hitler

Sunday, July 19th, 2009


If Sotomayor is confirmed, then it is all over.  Forget about all of your rights and the Constitution, not just your Second Amendment Rights.


Come this fall after Sotomayor’s lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court, you will see the most draconian laws ever enacted against gun owners.


Remember, Hitler never incarcerated any group without a court order.  Hitler always made sure the judges backed his every move.  Nazi judges ordered those marginalized and ostracized groups into Concentration Camps.


With Sotomayor on the Supreme Court, Fürher Obama will begin strutting showing his true colors—and they ain’t pretty.


All you Christians who fell for the bait and voted for Obama will soon see our Christian religion made illegal, our worship turned into “hate crimes” and made illegal.


These are not “liberals.”


They’re “illiberals.”


They are not “socialists.”


Nor are they “progressive.”


They aren’t even “communists.”


They are Luciferians and Satanists


Come to take us back to the dark ages


To regress civilization permanently under their rule.


It can happen here.


It is happening here.


And you stupid people who would not listen to me and others because you thought us extremist or intolerant are going to have one hell of a wake up call.




Read about the French Revolution.


Read about Stalin’s purging his own people.

What’s happening here is going to make those look like mere rehearsals!


Wake Up America!


Kill Obama’s Health Reform before It Kills You!

Sunday, July 19th, 2009


Now, we finally know why those “census takers” were working during non-census years taking GPS readings off every front door to every house in America.  Why do they need the GPS coordinates to the front doors of our homes?


Buried inside Obama’s misnamed “Health Care Reform Bill” are provisions to fund teams in every state.  Those teams will track down every one who has not been vaccinated and force them to accept inoculations tainted with innocuous adjuvants that give “soft kills” as the adjuvant materials slowly take their toll over the next ten years.


Those who refuse to accept the vaccinations on the spot will be carted off to detention facilities called FEMA camps provided for in Obama’s Health Care Reform Act.


They are going to target the children and the elderly first under the guise of “evidence based treatments.”  They are targeting the most vulnerable in our society first.


Lock step.


Follow das Fürher.


Step, step, step . . .


Follow the Pied Piper.


You know, the Scottish Pied Piper depicted in the murals at the Denver International Airport—home of the vilest artwork through all time.


The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.