Posts Tagged ‘drugs’

The Biritish Covert War on America Launched from the Tavistock Institute

Monday, April 5th, 2010

The Hippie era of “Flower Power” and rampant drug use and all of the 1960’s was part of the ongoing British assault on America. This covert psychosociopolitical warfare was planned and launched from the Tavistock institute. It has been part of a long series of overt and covert war in attempt to regain the American colonies Great Britain lost during the American Revolutionary War.

This was not the first time Great Britain waged war against a population using drugs. The Brits have a history of it and they waged two wars on the Chinese in the mid-1800’s called the Chinese Opium Wars.

The Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute

I must admit I have not read Coleman's book yet but I expect it to outline the most significant and effective secret ongoing psychosociopolitical warfare waged against the United States of America--Dr. Kent

Governor Jan Brewer Has to Go

Thursday, July 9th, 2009


We need honesty in leadership and governance and Jan Brewer is incapable of any!


Let me explain why:


Governor Brewer is a Democrat in disguise.  Jan Brewer maintains the Napolitano legacy.  She has become merely an extension of the Janet Napolitano Administration.


Allow to speak from my area of expertise.


Since the advent of “The Great Society” more than 40 years ago, the research over the decades demonstrated clearly programs like “Head Start” do not work.  The benefits of “Head Start” are completely gone by fourth grade and children drop out of high school at the same rate as when there is no “Head Start.”  “Head Start” does not change outcomes.  The high school drop out rate remains unchanged!


Indeed, programs like “Head Start” cost us, in terms of money and in terms of poorer outcomes for children.  Likewise, full day Kindergarten is totally ineffective.  True, it is state funded childcare but studies have long shown that there is no net benefit from Kindergarten.



Moreover, children who attend Kindergarten do not do as well as those who stay at home with mom.  Studies show children who remain in the home with their mothers do better intellectually and experience better life outcomes than those who attend Kindergarten.


So, rather than face facts demonstrated across time in repeated studies, Jan Brewer has decried to continue the Napolitano legacy and folly.


So, Brewer decided that Arizona will take the dope, the drugs, will take the one-time “Bail Out” written specifically for Arizona by Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano and place more burdens in perpetuity upon the backs of Arizonans!


Federal “Bail Out” money, federal “Stimulus Money” is neither.  They are neither ‘bail out’ nor ‘stimulus’ but are added burden to a destroyed economy.  They are nothing more than dope.  It is STUPID. 

It only has a narcotic effect:

We’ll get them hooked for free, then we’ll tax them to death for it.

Daily Humor

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

And now, a message from my dog:



The Psychologist’s Dilemma: Psychosociopolitical Warfare

Friday, April 24th, 2009


The dilemma all psychologists face today is that we have capitulated and given our crown of science & arts to psychiatry and the Medical Model.


While psychiatry has usurped the role of leading provider of mental health services in the maintenance of the public health and welfare from psychology, psychiatry accomplished this without having to put up much of a fight. Indeed, the betrayal came from within—from within the ranks of psychology itself.


Returning that crown to its rightful owner may prove next to impossible. Certainly, there is a lot of truth to the adage:


It takes a man a lot longer to get himself out of trouble

Than what it took to get him in trouble in the first place


So it will be with the return of psychology and behavioral science to its rightful place as King.


In part, I predict this will require the awakening of the public at large to the fact that behavior, character, and moral choices make differences in one’s life trajectory, outcomes; and in one’s mental health.


There may be certainly some modicum of credence in the parallels between the deterioration of culture in the United States and the deterioration of mental health, stability and well-being of the individual.


If one reflects upon current world situations and especially the fragmentation, if you will, the Balkanization of the United States, one realizes quite quickly how the conflicts within the individual may be reflected in the conflicts within society.


It is this particularly poetic justice and beauty of reality that allows one to judge the status of both “the status quo” and the status of the individual within “the status quo.”


It is difficult to over generalize and it is difficult to oversimplify, but sometimes the reduction of both the health of the society and the criteria for the mental health of the individual allow for succinct and salient comparisons. However, it is extremely difficult, neigh impossible to determine cause.


Think of this as a chicken and the egg question: which came first? In other words, did the mental health of the individual deteriorate first or did the culture deteriorate first?


Truly, the status of the culture and the individual mutually impact each other. More importantly, we need to determine target goals and the intervention in order to improve both the health of the culture and individual within the culture.


 As is typical in health interventions, we wish the least invasive intervention and leverage that for the maximal outcome. The problem becomes one of ethics because in the typical clinical setting it is requisite to obtain “informed consent to treatment” before intervening.


In today’s society, we have had decades of “intervention” without “informed consent.” Allow me to explain:


We have had decades of “intervention” and “social engineering” without the consent of those being treated!


Moreover, during the last century not only has the electorate (Forgive me folks for getting political.) not been in charge of who has been elected for almost a century, especially President of the United States; more importantly, we have not been in charge of our fate since then.


At this point in time I would like to introduce the reader to the concept of psychosociopolitical warfare. This is not my term, nor is it a new term. In fact the first evidence of it I have found is in the title of an article published anonymously in 1936. It was a title of an article which described part of the undermining of America.


However, the credibility of the article is challenged because there is neither authorship nor publisher associated with it. Moreover, the largest concern regarding its credibility that I have personally is that the strategies announced in this article (purportedly written in 1936) predates the discoveries of most of the modern agents which the article advocates for use in undermining the health and welfare of the best and brightest Americans.


Those agents are drugs, more specifically, psychopharmaceuticals. Most of the psychoactive drugs which are employed in the treatment of mental illness have been discovered since the 50s.


Nonetheless, one must consider the possibility that this article published in 1936 entitled Psychosociopolitical Warfare might be exactly what we have been experiencing for almost a decade.


I am a behavioral psychologist, and as such, I look at function. In other words, I conduct a functional analysis in order to determine what the most salient interventions might be.


I’m also a trained musician, a composer. And during my training as a musician at Berklee in both classical and jazz, I learned that “functional analysis” is paramount in understanding music and its structure. Hence, all things come down to function and function dominates any analysis and understanding.


While we may discount and attack the credibility of Psychosociopolitical Warfare based upon several features including (1) lack of authorship, (2) lack of publisher, and (3) historical features, we may not ignore reality.


One must not ignore the actual impact such proposals as contained in Psychosociopolitical Warfare might have and have had. I advance the fact all of the strategies recommended in Psychosociopolitical Warfare have been implemented!


What do you think?


Feel free to call me paranoid.  But remember, it is a healthy paranoia and an informed skepticism.




Bipolar Disorder Type II

Sunday, February 8th, 2009


The differentiating characteristic of Bipolar Disorder Type II is it contains a substance abuse or substance dependence criteria while Bipolar Disorder Type I does not. 


That’s right: 


Many if not most Bipolar Disorders are caused by drugs!  



Cyclothymias and Depressive Disorders are also regularly caused by drugs, illegal & prescribed AND quite possibly by toxic fluoridation of our country’s drinking water supply. 


See my archived commercial free show from January 24, 2009 featuring Dr. Mark Starr, MD(H)

Caffeine & Panic Attacks: Causation Versus Correlation

Friday, January 16th, 2009


A while back a friend of mine commented after one of my shows that even though he thought that I had a point with caffeine “causing” panic attacks he said he wasn’t going to stop drinking coffee. My friend missed my point completely and demonstrated an error common among psychologists themselves.


First, I never said that caffeine “caused” panic attacks or panic disorder. What I said was in treating clients who presented complaining about having panic attacks I observed that approximately half of them had a problem with caffeine. Some appeared to be addicted to caffeinated beverages and a telltale sign of their addiction was when they suffered a dull headache, a withdrawal symptom, when they didn’t have their coffee or other beverage of choice.


Second, the context of my comments was that we were pretty much invincible and could our abuse are bodies with almost any substances until the age of approximately 19.  Thereafter, we learn that we needed to take much better care of ourselves and this was usually “inspired” by a rude awakening.


Third, my concern was that the current generation of super caffeinated beverages contain so much more caffeine than anything my generation was exposed to when we were growing up or when I was treating people clinically for panic disorder, that I am extremely concerned regarding the outcome for the current generation which indulges in such overly stimulating beverages.


I also mentioned that ‘drinking strong beverages’ was not recommended by Joseph Smith of The Latter-Day Church of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith seemed to know and his recommendations to his followers that they abstain from drinking coffee and tea as well as alcohol seem wise.


I never said that caffeine or coffee “caused” panic attacks but I must apologize to my audience for the confusion. What I needed to convey was that there was an observed correlation that is a positive correspondence between the use of caffeine or coffee in some subjects with panic disorder in my clinical practice.


In those cases what I typically did was had the person keep an additional log. Aside from the usual detailed log of panic attacks, I assigned them the task of keeping a log regarding their intake of caffeinated beverages. We wanted to see what might happen when they ceased drinking coffee. Some of these clients were drinking a lot of coffee. And when they stop drinking “cold turkey” they often experienced typical “withdrawal” or “discontinuation effects.” Often these consisted of some sort of headache and general discomfort but sometimes there was an increase in panic attacks and generalized anxiety.  And sometimes we found that their anxiety and panic attacks decreased!


When we found that either of those were the case, we adopted a program of behaviorally tapering off the use of caffeinated beverages. We did this with the goal of ceasing the use of all caffeinated products for a period of approximately 3 weeks during which we would determine if that might have an impact upon their symptoms of panic and anxiety.


Just as in the discontinuation of psychotropic medications, since caffeine is a psychoactive drug, I never rushed my patients in their discontinuation of caffeine/coffee. We always stepped down slowly and backed off from the use of the “drug” slowly. This is exactly what I recommend to anyone seeking to discontinuation psychiatric medications. There is no reason to rush it and there is no sense risking discomfort, such as with the sudden discontinuation of SSRI medications such as Prozac or fluoxetine.


A lot of folks when they hear such a presentation, including psychologists, jump (wrongly) to the conclusion that this implies causation. That is nonsense. It is utter nonsense. It is sheer hogwash. All we can do is say that we observe the two events or sequeluae occurring in conjunction. Unless we have a true experimental design with random assignments, we can never make the hard fast conclusion that caffeine causes panic attacks, most certainly not for all people, across all time and all situations.


Hence, I observed that the excessive use of caffeine/coffee actually increased certain clients’ propensities to experience panic attacks. In a sense one might say that caffeine lowered the panic threshold thereby allowing the individual to experience greater panic attacks.  I hope this clears the matter up regarding applied psychology.


Correlation means we observe a relationship and I need no be positive.  For instance, as we reduce X we see an increase in Y which indicates a “negative correlation.”  Stay tuned for more on this in the future.