Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard must resign because his office is so corruptly run that justice in Arizona is “perverted.” How is justice perverted? Attorney General Terry Goddard allows “crosstalk” between various arms of his office when in fact those functions are supposed to run separately because of obvious conflicts of interest. It is just a matter of common sense.
How do I know this? Because I’m from Alaska and in Alaska when we need to checkout lines (of communication) we run a test. We run a test “pig.”
I have done this several times. How did I do this? I have placed separate serious complaints through various discrete State agencies—in part to see if the information from one complaint might show up in another “pig.”
That is, I filed one set of information in a complaint with a particular agency of the State and by policy & common sense ethics such complaints & information should be held discretely & confidentiality. Nonetheless, in every instance Attorney General Terry Goddard’s offices have failed to (A) maintain confidentiality and to (B) process serious complaints in a manner becoming & befitting the office of the individual who is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land, the laws of the State of Arizona.
Every serious felony, crime and infraction about which I have reported has been thwarted—all in the name of protecting the former Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano and her lesbian lover and cabinet level appointee Dora Schriro, former Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADOC).
Furthermore, while I have no evidence of such, when I was working on the Len Munsil campaign I met two women who told me they both work (or worked) in Attorney General Terry Goddard’s offices. Both claimed that they witnessed a bribe of $2 million right under their noses. They claimed this $2,000,000 bribe went to the Attorney General! That was at the time Jim Pederson was running for the Senate against Senator Jon Kyl and both women claimed that is where the money came from.
I, however, have no idea if their claims might be true. Nonetheless, I guess the message is:
It’s okay to lie, cheat & steal and subvert and commit any
crime you want as long as you are a member of the
Democratic Party, the “People’s Party.” Dare I say,
“Communist Party?”