Posts Tagged ‘Anton Chaitkin’

Let’s ask and do tell…IS OBAMA GAY?

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

JAG HUNTER READER EMAIL UPDATE: Saturday evening 29 May 2010

Gmail Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III


“You see, when Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin collaborated on a published book biography of George W. Bush, they described some aspects of the child/youth prostitution ring which pandered to high-level U.S. politicians, starting in Nebraska in the early 1980′s. You will probably recognize the name of this scandal: “The Franklin Cover-up” – from the title of the expose written by John DeCamp.

In the Bush book, it states that YOUNG BLACK MEN were recruited for these sex episodes. So it wasn’t just kids, and some of the abused victims were Black.

The sexual preferences Obama has today for receiving ‘favors’ from white men might go back many years in his personal history. I get gut instincts about things, and over the years I have been amazed at some of my insights.”

Read about it for yourself here:

 My apologies for the poor formatting.