. . . accept another position with none other than her lover & partner in crime former Governor Napolitano. My friend just called me to inform me about this news and declared that Schriro following Napolitano to The Department of Homeland Security in DC proves that the two are lovers.
My father just reminded me that he predicted Napolitano would be taking Schriro to Washington with her a week before it happened. My prediction? It will take a minimum of five (5) years to repair the damage the “dynamic duo” have inflicted upon ADOC!
It just goes to show “you can sleep your way to the top” or maybe Dora takes the bottom?
Tags: Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona Governor Janet NAPOLITANO, Arizona Governor Napolitano, Dora Schriro, dynamic duo, Janet Napolitano, nepotism, the "dynamic duo", Unprofessional Conduct