Part of the purpose of my website and blog is to enhance mental flexibility. The idea to to achieve mental health and since we are so brainwashed and mind controlled, it is necessary to introduce seemingly contradictory concepts in order that the public many better accept truths that seem remote. This is necessary for US to reclaim our heritage and restore our Constitution. Alas, between now and then the damage to our country is likely be significant.
911 was never formally and properly investigated like Waco and Oklahoma City.
You decide what you believe.
As for me, I don’t know who did 911 but I’ll keep an open mind.
Flexibility is the key to rationality and reality
Tags: 1999 Egyptair 990 crash, 800PoundGorilla, 9/11 Evil, 9/11 financier, 9/11 was good for Israel, a method of imposing information through a system of mathematics and numbers, air traffic controller, Alex Jones, Ali Al-Jarrah, all the proof you need, ancient knowledge, artificial constructions, babies sacrificed, Benjamin Netanyahu, Congress, convicted of lying to Congress, corrosive force, cover-up, deported 200 Israeli spies, Egyptair 990, Eliot Abrams, flexibility, flight 990, fraud, Freemasons, General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI, initiation, Iraq, Israel’s Central Role in the September 11 Attacks, Israeli Prime Minister, Jewish, Judaism, Kabala, Marc Grossman, Michael Chertoff, Mossad, New World Order, NSC Advisor, Oklahoma City, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, our purpose was to document the event, Paul Wolfowitz, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor-like event, Pentagon, Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Pete Zalewski, Philip Zelikow, PNAC, power, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, Rabbi Ari Fleischer, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Rachel Corrie, rationality, reality, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Richard Perle, rituals, sacrifice an infant, The New World Order, the Prince of Darkness, Unholy Alliances--Israel did 911, United States of America, US government source for research on Islamic Terror, Victor Thorn, Waco, war on Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, William Cooper, without an investigation, WMD, worshipping the devil, Ziad Al-Jarrah