Archive for June, 2009

Ask Henry How US Water Became Fluoridated

Thursday, June 18th, 2009


I am not kidding:


Ask Henry Kissinger how our drinking water became fluoridated!


That may sound absurd but consider Kissinger’s past and his role in bringing the Nazi War Machine over here at the close of World War II as the head of Operation Paperclip and you’ll soon understand why.


Young Henry Kissinger was the bureaucrat in charge of Operation Paperclip bringing the German scientists over here during the close of World War II and settling them in the United States, Argentina and other places around the world.


While the focus of the public was on stories like Peenemünde in which we were spoon fed the idea that we, the United States got half of the German rocket scientists and Russia kidnapped the other half of the Nazi rocket scientists at the close of World War II, there is far more to the story.  The story of Operation Paperclip remains untold because much of it is still classified.


IMHO, we got ALL of the German biological and chemical weapons scientists.  


It is well documented in Leonard Horowitz’s works that those bastards were settled in Fort Detrick, Maryland where they created biological & chemical weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War.  They were part of our war machine until Nixon decommissioned the US Army facility at Ft. Detrick and recommissioned it on the same day (keeping all of its personnel) as The National Cancer Institute.


But this is what is so telling: 


The Nazi’s planned to control the vast population of the world in part by fluoridating the drinking water supplies and “down regulating” everyone so that control and order under the domination of such a small force might be manageable.


Is this what is going on wholesale?  Might the central planners be poisoning us, albeit mildly, in order to control us?  In order to create markets for their other compounds marketed as “anti-depressants?”


This begs the question: 


Why has the United States federal government been so fixated upon “clean water” programs featuring sodium fluoridated water and water laced with fluorosilicic acid? 


Why can we not opt out of federal government programs requiring fluoridation of our drinking water and rely upon topically applied stannous fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay?


Why are we not free to do this?


Fluoride Correlated with Arthritis? Bone Disease?

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009


Admittedly, this is conjecture on my part yet it represents a logical extrapolation.


Since fluoride hardens tooth enamel, might fluoride harden bone?


Might fluoride be a major culprit in arthritis and other diseases of the joints & diseases of the bones?


Let me know if you know anything.  Please.


May I remind you this is merely conjecture but it is a serious concern?


New Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Flavor

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009



In honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor; “Barocky Road.”


Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes.


The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient.  The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. 


The cost is $100.00 per scoop.


When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you.


You are left with an empty wallet and no change, holding an empty cone with no hope of getting any ice cream.


Are you stimulated?



Fluoride Major Cause of Mental Retardation

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009


Hey, it’s true and it’s merely my humble opinion.  Nonetheless, there was a doctoral level researcher who testified so long ago it was “filmed” in Black & White.


While I am unable to recall her name, I recall watching her plead before the United States Congress to stop this insanity of systematic water fluoridation because the research demonstrated clearly a casual effect of fluoride upon mental retardation.


She testified clearly that fluoride caused mental retardation and diminished IQ’s across the board!


Moreover, that pioneering researcher from the 1950’s, a woman in a man’s field, was black balled after giving her candid, forthright and truthful testimony to Congress.  Thereafter, she lost all of her grants, her position and her status. 


She lost everything—all in the name of the suppression of the truth in order to allow those bastards in The New World Order to further degrade our abilities to think, to reason and to live independent & free.


If you discover her name, please inform me.  We need to honor this pioneer of truth and candor in an insane and corrupt world dominated by the few bastards of The New World Order.


In my estimation being treated with fluoride results in a global drop in IQ of approximately 10 points across the board—for everyone.


Notice, that I write that it is the population and not the water that is being treated.  This is a very subtle difference; nonetheless, I believe it more accurate to write from the assumption that it us human beings who are being “treated” and not the water.


Fluoride Causes Birth Defects

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009


Fluoride is a teratogen—meaning it causes birth defects.  Fluoride is commonly used in rat poison.


Systemic fluoridation processes cause birth defects.  Not gross ones such as missing limbs which are easily recognized, but subtler mutations that are not readily discerned.


According to Dr. Mark Starr, Hypothyroidism Type II is exacerbated by the prevalence of defects in the mitochondria. 


Mitochondria are the metabolic engines of the cell.  When mitochondria fail to produce energy cells do not function properly.  The organism becomes sluggish and waste accumulates inside the cell.


Dr. Starr’s research is conclusive that years of fluoridated water have resulted in birth defects to later generations.


IMHO, this is specifically why we are witnessing so much Diabetes Type II and obesity today.  It is not so much the fault of the individual as it is the accumulated sins and insults to the human body over five to six decades of constant exposure to systemic fluoride toxicity.


Stop the systemic fluoridation of our drinking water.


Stop this insanity.


Do it for the future generations and for yourself today.


Fluoride Number One Medical Cause of Mental Illness

Monday, June 15th, 2009


For years all psychologists have had to answer one question on the EPPP, the examination one must pass in order to become a psychologist. 


The EPPP is the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology.


That question is designed to condition future practicing psychologists to refer anyone who appears with depressive symptoms to a medical doctor.




To rule out medical causes of depression.


And what is the number one medical cause of depression?


A malfunctioning thyroid!


Now, what do you think causes thyroids to malfunction?


Especially at such rampant levels among the population that this question has become standard on all versions of the EPPP since its inception as the standard test in Canada and the United States for psychologists?


The specific type of fluoridation of our water forced on us by our wonderful Central Government!

My Stand on Fluoride

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

I am dead set against fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  It’s the wrong chemical.  It’s not the same chemical used in the original dental studies on caries prevention.  It’s the wrong method.

We should not use systemic fluoride; however, I am not completely against topical fluoride.  I think fluoride applied by a dentist or dental hygenist after periodic teeth cleaning may be acceptable.

But fluoride in tooth paste, in mouth wash or in our DRINKING WATER has got to stop.

It’s poison!

The fluoride in drinking water knocks iodine off the four valences on thyroid hormones and IMHO is the major cause of Heart Disease and heart attack.

Fluoridated water also causes Diabetes Type II.

Fluoridated water causes most of the obesity rampant today.

Fluoride is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s and dementia’s by opening up the blood brain barrier permitting aluminum to pass into the brain where in makes entangling plaques in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s!

Please phone to help pass E-Verify amendment in House today (to override Obama plans to gut)

Friday, June 12th, 2009
DEAR FRIENDS,After all the bad news that NumbersUSA’s Jim Robb emailed you yesterday about E-Verify, I can tell you this morning that we have a chance to counteract it.

For those of you who read this Alert this morning, you need to phone the people listed below immediately at 202-224-3121. (If you are reading this after Friday noon, check the NumbersUSA home page to see if the action has already been taken, before you make the calls.)

Today, the House Appropriations Committee will consider the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill for 2010. This bill already contains language that would extend the E-Verify program for two years.

However, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) will submit an amendment to the bill that would require government subcontractors to use the E-Verify program and weed out illegal aliens from their payroll.

You can read on our home page how the Obama Administration has plans today or early next week to gut the 2008 Executive Order that would require government contractors to run all their employees through E-Verify. But while the new Obama order would bow to the wishes of the greedy Big Business lobby, Rep. Kingston’s amendment would force the Administration to keep illegal foreign workers out of taxpayer-supported jobs.

If one of the House Appropriations Committee members is from your state, you will find a phone note with talking points on your Action Buffet corkboard.

Otherwise, call the Members below who are from the smallest states that are near yours.

Tell them that 14 million unemployed Americans would like to have the jobs that illegal aliens currently hold with government contractors. And that you expect the Representative to vote for the Kingston amendment to open up these jobs to unemployed Americans.

PHONE 202-224-3121

Members of the House Appropriations Committee

Obey (D-WI)
Murtha (D-PA)
Dicks (D-WA)
Mollohan (D-WV)
Kaptur (D-OH)
Visclosky, D-IN
Lowey, D-NY
Serrano, D-NY




This may be a good time for you to make sure that you’ve let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here http://www.numbersusa.comaction=longlist  As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

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Numbers USA
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Arlington, VA 22209

Organization of the Islamic Conference Usurping Control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Thursday, June 11th, 2009


The latest in geopolitical developments has the Organization of the Islamic Conference soon taking control over the entire site of the Temple Mount in the City of Jerusalem.  


While this site has been traditionally shared by Muslims, Catholics, Jews and Christians, once The Organization of the Islamic Conference is in control, access to the site of the Dome of the Rock, the first and second temples (Solomon’s Temple) and the site Jesus’ ministry will be lost to groups other than Islamic.


Under Israeli control access has been assured to all groups including the Vatican; however, the practices of The Organization of the Islamic Conference for the last 1500 years demonstrate that Christians will never have access to these holy sites when The Temple Mount in Jerusalem goes out of Israeli control.

How Much Could I Expect to Bear & to Lose in Pursuit of Justice?

Friday, June 5th, 2009

In answer to that question, the first step, “a fair hearing” before an administrative law judge who is employed by the State (conflict of interest), would require a retainer of $25,000; however, due to the shear volume of material, I could see that quickly doubling or tripling.

The Attorney General’s Office for the State of Arizona is famous for “burying one in paper.”  The AG’s Office generates so much paper that one’s legal fees quickly become insurmountable.  And since one can not recoup one’s legal fees from the State, even when one prevails, one loses.

In my case, the secretary for the psychiatrist’s offices assigned to examine me informed me that their office’s “retainer” of $15,000 was required because the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners’ Investigator Victoria Kamm reported there were “two cases of documents” the Board was going to submit to Dr. Anna Scherzer for her review.

Two cases!  I wonder what the State has assembled?  Probably more falsified information and half truths generated by my detractors.

Yes, it was a “conspiracy,” but until you’ve had a chance to review all the material for yourself, reserve judgement.  Then you decide for yourself whether or not the term “conspiratorial” fits.

Thereafter, going to the Superior Court of Arizona where the real Rules of Evidence apply and one has a fair shot could cost between $170,000 and $250,000.

However, even that would not suffice because one has to appeal to the Supreme Court of Arizona due to the Arizona Board of Psychologists Examiners Rules & Regulations as previously evinced by former Board Executive Director Maxine McCarthy and as advised by my former counsel Mr. Stephen Myers.

Even assuming the most conservative amounts, legal fees before getting to the highest court in the State easily exceed $200,000.

Now, how much do you think legal fees for an appearance before the Supreme Court of Arizona would add to that burden?

And all of this is merely for the “privilege” of practising psychology in the State of Arizona.

That is not for a position, nor is it guaranteeing income.

As we shall see, while we are all taught:

The purpose  of licensure is for the safety of the public.

What you shall see is that the function is entirely apposite–licensure protects the State & those corrupt politicians who run it–while making the public and professionals game for the terrorism of the state bureaucracy.

And the real answer to the question?

I lose everything.