Posts Tagged ‘The spirit of virtue’

Calling for a Revolution of Virtue

Thursday, July 9th, 2009


The United State’s Declaration of Independence and the United State’s Constitution did not appear “magically” from God.  Those documents and that blessing only occurred after a long hardship.  They were preceded by a “revolution of virtue” that lasted 185 years.  The spirit of virtue, valuing one’s self and one’s freedom culminated in the best & most rational form of government ever devised by man.


Many are shouting “only by returning to God, to the LORD will America be restored.”  Hogwash!  At best we’d reinvent The Grand Inquisition.  There’d be so many religious nuts and so much religiosity; men would commit the most horrible atrocities in the name of God.


It all comes down to behavior.  While we can not control our own minds, and we certainly cannot control what occurs in the minds of other men, we can observe & agree upon behavior.  Besides, there needs to be room for dissent and freedom of the mind, and that requires healthy reflection, internally and externally.


Therefore, be it declared a New American Revolution.  A Revolution of the Mind.  A Revolution in Virtue.


Men alter their thinking to support their behavior.


Criminals rationalize their bad behaviors.

Now, how is this accomplished?

By valuing your self.


By valuing your word.


By honoring your word.


Real men will only give their word when they mean it.  Moreover, real men only give their word when they know they are able to live up to it.


Therefore, we need to say “no” much more.  We need to hear “no” much more often.  And we need to accept hearing a man choosing and uttering “no” far more often.


Also, we need to recognize the lying thieves we’ve become as a society.  “The government has turned us into a bunch of liars and thieves,” my neighbor from Texas via the North Slope declared.


We need to recognize the lying and thieving and, more importantly, we need to call it boldly what it is.  We need to label it properly regardless of hurting feelings.




In order to get in touch with reality we need to stop denying reality.  We need to stop “inventing reality” and stop making things up.


It’s time to stop acting like children and grow up.  Children have the luxury of imagination.  We don’t.


If you know of any business (And almost all corporations are involved in deceitful practice, deceit in their marketing and deceit in their contracts.) that practices deceit, walk away.  Do not do business with them.  Force them to become honest in their claims and accurate in their advertising.  Make them live up to their words.


Walk away from any business or corporation that deceives in the slightest degree.  Make them value their word.  Make them value their public presentation.  Or let them die.


If we individually start to value ourselves and our word, and we change our behavior by refusing to buy anything that is misrepresented in the slightest.  And we refuse to patronize (Get a dictionary!) any business that lies, then we can begin to shut them down.  We can begin making everyone honest.  We can begin reclaiming our country and our heritage.


The only way to end the thieving, the madness and insanity is by telling the truth, being truthful to ourselves and by being truthful to each other.


Don’t you understand?


We are at War.  We’ve been at War.


This is a battle for the mind.


It is a battle of the mind.


It is


Psychosociopolitical Warfare


Let’s wage it to win.




We’re taking the country back!