Posts Tagged ‘liberals’

The “Full Story” of the “Illegal Election” of 2008

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Courtesy of Stephen TheCrownedone  on Facebook & Clark Hamblin


Click the above link for a copy of the original .PDF file filed in the Arizona District Federal Court.

This case was posted with the presentation that the document above told the “full story” of the illegal election of 2008.  It is hard to beleive anything is the “full story;” nonetheless, the facts contained herein appear to present a very cogent and compelling case.

However, it appears the case was (wrongly) dismissed because the clerk of the court failed to read it and; moreover, failed to understand that the case was filed against Obama and McCain as individuals rather than as the President and the Senator.

This just goes to show how those in power are protected by a totally corrupt system.  There is NO REDRESS IN OUR COURTS.

It is tyranny by bureaucracy.

The US Constitution has been abrogated completely.

All that is given is lip service in order to fool the masses and  usurp the power that resides in the people.


NEWS FLASH: First Amendment Has been Suspended

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

As BP makes its latest attempt to plug its gushing oil well, news photographers are complaining that their efforts to document the slow-motion disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are being thwarted by local and federal officials—working with BP—who are blocking access to the sites where the effects of the spill are most visible.

The Black Venetian Nobility — Wake Up America! – Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Don't be surprised by the small footprint of this video; it can expand to full screen.  Nor be dismayed by its poor image quality.  This video may be the most powerful moment in your day.

Watch this and realize how dire our circumstances are.

The enemy of this country (and The LORD) is much more real than you think and may be larger than any mortal man is able to fully comprehend!

Visit this man's website.

Buy his books [I make NOTHING off the sale or referral.] and learn the real history of the US and why there will be no relief come this election in November 2010.

Study his books

 --Dr. Kent

Exclusive: Gov. Jan Brewer

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

HCR 2024 Hearing AZ Declaration of Soveriegnty Feds Cease and Decist

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Czars — who are empowered without authority

Monday, June 28th, 2010

From Czars — who are empowered without authority  on Facebook

Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke – Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov.of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use.

AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.

Auto Recovery Czar: Ed Montgomery Black radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ of Maryland

Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.

Border Czar: Alan Bersin Former failed superintendent of San Diego. Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet
Reno – to keep borders open to illegals.

California Water Czar: David J. Hayes Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. No training or experience in water

Car Czar: Ron Bloom Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business.
Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?

Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and pro abortion.

Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn Rosenthal Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration.

Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske Devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of drugs.

Economic Czar: Paul Volcker Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed (that’s absolutely dumb – I remember 17% interest on home loans during Carter’s reign). Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti business “Progressive Policy” organization.

Energy and Environment Czar: Carol Brower Political Radical -Former head of EPA — known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.

Faith-Based Czar: Joshua DuBois Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti gun ownership lobbyist.

Great Lakes Czar: Cameron Davis Chicago radical anti business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for “Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink.” No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member,

Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones (since resigned). Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism.

Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Information Czar: Vivek Kundra Born in New Delhi, India. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails.

International Climate Czar: Todd Stern Anti business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming.

Intelligence Czar: Dennis Blair Ret Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as “provocative=E 2. Chair of ultra liberal “Council on Foreign Relations” which blames American organizations for regional wars.

Mideast Peace Czar: George Mitchell Fmr. Sen from Maine- Left wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into “2 or 3 smaller more manageable plots.” Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual.

Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs.

Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein Liberal activist judge-believes free speech needs to be limited for the “common good.” Rules against personal freedoms many times – like private gun ownership.

Science Czar: John Holdren Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Claims US business marketing companies has caused world poverty. No Science training.

Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico. Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico.

Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations.

TARP Czar: Herb Allison Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.

Terrorism Czar: John Brennan Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military.

Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health Care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan.

Urban Affairs Czar: Adolfo Carrion Jr. Puerto Rican. Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America. Millionaire “slum lord” of the Bronx, NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from “sweetheart” deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care.

Weapons Czar: Ashton Carter Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America. No Other “policy.”

WMD Policy Czar: Gary Samore Former US Communist. Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other “policy.”

Facebook Factions

Monday, June 28th, 2010

As I am forming impressions, there seem to be certain trends on Facebook.  There seems to be a grouping into those who support the status quo versus those who want to restore the US Constitution.  What is alarming are the open expressions of endorsement of violence by both sides.


Those supporting the Constitution seem to divide into the severely naïve with a touch of jingoism and those who are painfully consciously aware of the difficulties in returning to Constitutional rule.  Many of those who regard themselves as “conservative” are oblivious to their own tendencies towards control and over control.  They endorse all kinds of social legislation oblivious to the fact they are endorsing further enlargement of government.  Furthermore, they accept the entitlements offered them regardless of the fact that the growth of entitlements enslaves them further AND increases the instability of the system.


Those supporting the “status quo” are growing more boisterous and posting more in-your-face comments.  They appear on a continuum of anti-God from agnosticism to overt denigration of God.  On the other hand “constitutionalists” seem to attract more who believe in God but few demonstrate any “fear of The LORD.”


The most alarming trend is the open endorsement of violence.  Yet, when seen in the context of the prevailing culture and the mainstream media and even talk-radio, the clamors to open rebellion and calls to revolution and war become more understandable and, sadly, more acceptable.


Current trends in advertising depict more law enforcement scenarios and more confrontational scenarios.  Overall, there is an alarming trend towards desensitization of assaults upon the human body (gory crimes scenes on television in fantasy morgues) and an acceptance of the violations of basic human and Constitutional rights of “others” (police reality shows).  It’s all perfectly acceptable when it involves “others,” especially in a voyeuristic manner with


It is scary in that there are many precipitating factors towards disorder and violence.  With the sheer ignominy of those elected to represent US failing to represent US properly and acting apposite the will of the people, it appears we may be headed for a show down in the near future.


It saddens me because few seem to realize how much they are being manipulated and as the mechanisms of that manipulation are pointed out to them, they seem eager to “deny” the reality of that manipulation thus increasing the mass of insanity.  The mass delusion of the “leftists” that ‘someone will give me something for nothing’ has played well into the encroaching slavery imposed by BOTH the right (Neo-cons) and the left (Progressives) from followers of Plato to those involved in outright Satan worship and the old religions of the Old Testament (Babylon, Canaan).


Facebook appears to be producing factions mirroring those which will propagate the coming second American Revolution.

Facebook Face Offs

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A couple of days ago I was lambasted on Facebook.  While I went with it posting candidly, it got rather insulting.  Still, I kept my comments honest.  Sadly, they were not appreciated.  Moreover, my expertise and credibility were challenged.

Part of that challenge was because I was employing or had “invented” “new terms”  that “had not been accepted,” yet.  Actually, I have been inventive.  I use the term “Positive Projective Psychology” and the terms “Negative Projective Process” and “Negative Projective Psychology” to differentiate my perspective from the common clinical practises of the day–which I consider sub-par treatment!  So, I am guilty as charged.  Those are new concepts and they are mine.

Also, I use advanced concepts which have not been heard much.  In part, this is because I am ahead of the curve.  An example of this is Bipolar Disorder Type III.  While this is not is use yet, you’ll hear about it if it makes it past the hurdles in committee formulating the new DSM-V.  I heard about Bipolar Disorder Type III three years ago.  It is a significant development in that it is a bold-faced admission that psychiatric medications cause permanent mental illness!

It bothers me that I was attacked but then those who attacked me, don’t know me.  In fact, they don’t know anything!  I was called a “narcissistic.”  I guess everyone thinks they are a psychologist or they can practise psychology.  I wish I had a little more narcissism in me but I am the way I am, as God intended me.

My middle initial should be “G” because I have been gullible.  It took me years believing in what I was taught in school to realize what a farce my field was (and is) and how much damage clinical psychology (as practised today) is doing to our society.  I owe the people of Mississippi a lot but that debt has been discharged fully in my service to those wonderful folks at low pay for several years and that was time well spent. 

It was inside the walls of Arizona’s maximum security prisons that I honed my craft and developed quick and concise skills of intervention with those who needed my services most.  They may not have been deserving but I was saving lives–the lives of those on the outside as my murderers, rapists and thieves were released back to society. 

Had I been more narcissistic, I might have not worked there and gone into private practise and still have a license and a practise today.  Maybe I would have published and become better known but I would never have developed the razor sharp skills of intervention and the insights in psychology I have.

I regard my contributions to the field of psychology and the body of scientific knowledge as minor, but I know the best psychology and psychologists.  The most significant contributor of our time is Steven Hayes, Ph.D. and his “Acceptance & Commitment Therapy,” the most advanced form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), also known as ACT.  Dr. Hayes has answered most of the questions B.F. Skinner asked in 1952.  I am proud to have had Steven as a guest on my Talk Radio Show “Giving Psychology Away.”

These days I am struggling.  When you get to the level of consciousness I have, you see clearly what is going on and the trends are alarming.  However, there is solace for me in knowing that I am in the latter half of my life.  I have seen some incredible inventions.  I remember the invention of the ball point pen.  What a breakthrough that was!  The computer had already been invented but transistors came on the scene shortly after I was born.

But I have also seen the rise of the audacity of man.  A puny little man who challenges God!  And the foolishness grows.

I was born into a private family that was going military.  Because of the shelter that provided, I saw our country as it was during its Golden Days and the Golden Age of the United States of America has passed so long ago that few remain alive to tell of it and no one wants to hear about it. 

Still, what we saw, witnessed and lived were not our best days.  We were not at out best.  A simple reading of the newspapers of colonial times reveals a far more educated population.  The average colonial citizen was a genius compared to those our institutions of higher learning of today produce with doctorates.  I have seen “inflation” and “degradation” in our educational system. 

It is all corrupt, controlled by an elite we do not see.  We do not know.  And we are complacent to let the status quo go on unimpeded while it slowly destroys US and plans our further enslavement.  They already have our minds but this captivity is not that different from the exiles of the Jews to Babylon. 

Moreover, we are beholden to the same group of repugnant worshippers of power.  Power given from the following of Lucifer and making deals with the devil.  The fight between Good & evil (sic).

Glenn Beck: McCain Would’ve Been Worse

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Last fall I might have agreed with Glen Beck, but now (in 2010) we know that Obama is far worse for the country.

 September 21, 2009 | 0:38

Radio and TV host Glenn Beck tells Katie Couric he thinks GOP nominee John McCain would have been worse for the country than Hillary Clinton or Pres. Barack Obama.

Mark Levin explains how the Disclose Act threatens the First Amendment

Friday, June 25th, 2010