Posts Tagged ‘John McCain’

The “Full Story” of the “Illegal Election” of 2008

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Courtesy of Stephen TheCrownedone  on Facebook & Clark Hamblin


Click the above link for a copy of the original .PDF file filed in the Arizona District Federal Court.

This case was posted with the presentation that the document above told the “full story” of the illegal election of 2008.  It is hard to beleive anything is the “full story;” nonetheless, the facts contained herein appear to present a very cogent and compelling case.

However, it appears the case was (wrongly) dismissed because the clerk of the court failed to read it and; moreover, failed to understand that the case was filed against Obama and McCain as individuals rather than as the President and the Senator.

This just goes to show how those in power are protected by a totally corrupt system.  There is NO REDRESS IN OUR COURTS.

It is tyranny by bureaucracy.

The US Constitution has been abrogated completely.

All that is given is lip service in order to fool the masses and  usurp the power that resides in the people.


Mark Levin on JD Hayworth vs. John McCain

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Mark Levin really puts things in perspective!

Senator John McCain forced the sunset clause on the Bush Tax Cuts!!!

Thank the ignoble Senator when your taxes go up January 1, 2011 and the US economy comes to another deeper screetching halt--a double dip recession.

None dare call it a DEPRESSION.

Remember McCain-Feingold

which attempted to silence American voices during an election!

Glenn Beck: McCain Would’ve Been Worse

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Last fall I might have agreed with Glen Beck, but now (in 2010) we know that Obama is far worse for the country.

 September 21, 2009 | 0:38

Radio and TV host Glenn Beck tells Katie Couric he thinks GOP nominee John McCain would have been worse for the country than Hillary Clinton or Pres. Barack Obama.

President Obama: Working Together for Immigration Reform

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Courtesy of Jill Arizona on Facebook

Video from almost one year ago

“I want to especially commend John McCain, who is here with me today, because along with folks like Lindsey Graham, he has already paid a signifigant political cost for doing the right thing. I stand with him, I stand with Nydia Velazquez, and others who have taken leadership on this issue.” – Obama.

The Obama Deception

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


This is a must see:

by Alex Jones

Be sure to hit <full screen>

And turn your speakers up.

This is long.

I Stand Corrected! Re: Sixteenth Amendment via Senate Candidate Jim Deakin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

This weekend I met a gentleman running for McCain’s Senate seat who set me straight.  He knows more than I about the ratification of the income tax and reported to me that a certain few states initially ratified it but that number of states ratifying the 16th Amendment has increased to 38.  Senate candidate Jim Deakin corrected me during our conversation this weekend.

“Irregardless” of the vote, I hold that the taxing of income by the Federal Government is unconstitutional!  And, what’s more, immoral.  Now, the states may tax income but the Federal Government?  NEVER!  Our US Constitution limits the Federal Government to collecting duties & tariffs. Yet, The New World Order has created the god of “free trade” for us to worship.

It is refreshing to meet someone like Jim Deakin  running for  high office who knows his stuff and supports a return to both a Constitutional Congress (Wherein we don’t pay Congressmen!) and a Constitutional Senate (to which we the people don’t directly elect our Senators but our elected state legislators elect Senators from amoung themselves–subject to instant recall at any time!)


I admit I was wrong in my last post entitled “You Stupid People!”  My apologies. Mea cupla.

Message to Senator John McCain (R) Arizona

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009


Since your DC staff just hung up on me unceremoniously:  This is the message that you are going to hear from me and a lot of other people around the country are saying the same thing to our representatives:

Either Kill this Terrible “Stimulus Bill”

Or Don’t Come Home

There is is no threat implied by this message.  But.  We are tired of the rip off, the theft.  I am certain that this over stepping by Obama and his minions will play out horribly.

Medical Community Terrified by Hidden Measures within Obama’s “Stimulus Bill”

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009


While Bloomberg covers part of this, one must be a member of the Medical Community to get full access to these proposals.  Moreover, the Medical Community will “shut up” in short order and “go along” to “get along” because in order to survive professionally they will soon be forced to knuckle under.


Folks, this is The New World Order and the FDA:


The “Federal Death Administration.”


What is being rushed through unopposed by either party, including so-called “Republicans,” is:


Physicians will NOT be allowed to treat any “chronic” condition in anyone age 62 & over.


Age 62 is critical because that is the age for Social Security.  They don’t want us to draw it unless you’re an illegal alien.  Then they’ll make any illegal “disabled.”


Neither Drudge nor Bloomberg report this, but here is the flash through the Medical Community via physicians who subscribe and are members to medical databases which spell out the sordid details of how the new administration, Obama and “Change,” are going to target older people in the United States for termination.  Some will die more slowly and more painful deaths than others according to medical experts consulted.


Sadly, three (3) so-called Republicans (and this time it’s not John McCain) who are females have jumped sides and there’s no stopping Obama’s Stimulus Package. 


God save us and open the eyes of these three Republican “Death Angels” and the Democrats.