Archive for the ‘Federal Reserve’ Category

Obama Budget Cuts Visualization

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

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Dear Gillian, It’s a Disappearing Act!

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009


Gillian Tett has a way with words but I must respectfully disagree with some of her column this Tuesday.  It needs a better title for certain.  Nonetheless, the marvelous manner in which Miss Tett writes prompts deep thought with a dash of that British styled overly reserved humor.  Hopefully her audience will cue in on what I did and what I believe Gillian wants her readers to think about—deeply and seriously think about.


I find it difficult to keep up with current events daily plus I try not to keep up with certain things, especially the news because it is so disturbing and manipulative.  But I love when someone points out the sheer hypocrisy in leadership, especially “liberal leadership” which is an oxyMoron!  Plus, I enjoy when someone reminds us of our ever shortening and failing public memory.  I am speaking about the rebirth of the Resolution Corporate Trust!


So, now we have perfectly good & noble word being besmirched.  “Legacy” used to mean old standards implying well accepted industry standards that are tried & true.  But now I guess it is more politically correct than calling them what they are: “problem assets.”  More like “fraudulent assets” if you ask me! 


And “free market” used to mean something but today it is a farce.  A cruel joke has been thrust upon the common man and common woman.  There is no “market.”  There is only government and government masters. 


The purpose of government is to make money off other people’s money.


—quote me!


If I weren’t for deals with the government the richest man in the world today Warren Buffet wouldn’t be what he is today.  So, we continue to “serve” our government, our new masters.  Doublespeak certainly makes it more palatable.  The left enjoyed labeling them “toxic” assets when it suited their purposes but now that they are in power, they want to continue the theft by expanding their fraud!


Our whole system is based upon fraud and built upon deceit.  The fraud & deceit will never go away until one little card is pulled so close to the bottom again—and we have that opportunity today.  It is about time we stopped the fraud, deceit and greed by going back to our roots—the only “policy” that can cure what ills & ales us—the United States Constitution.


These are times after which the overuse of psychosociopolitcal warfare has made the overly abused child immune to any more throttling.  Rather than correct that young man, he’ll not even realize he was even being “corrected.”  He will continue on like nothing has happened.  Which is just the effect this name game is going to have on the markets—nil! 


Sadly, I predict this name change will have a slight impact of lifting the markets long enough for a few more desperate souls, suckers, to enter into the stock market which will once again eat up “wealth” and “assets” in a continuation of the disappearing act already in play.  In other words, this slight of hand will cause many to put their hard earned cash back into the game—in which more of their “wealth” will be taken away from them.


We’ll see a repeat of the Great Depression in terms of a real bottom being hit.  Caused once again by government intervention with the greatest of intentions!    Since we refuse to wake up and reclaim our Constitution & our currency, our true “property rights,” we are going to lose everything.  Then Obama and his minions will have their day, their success, in bringing the US (and the rest of the world) to its knees so that they can become masters over all.


Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said that the current crisis is an excellent opportunity for Mr. Obama to usher in The New World Order.  Gee, didn’t George Bush, Senior “invent” The New World Order?  No, probably that was Al Gore.  After all Al invented the internet.


But then you ask, “What does God have to do with this?”  OK, I am tossing in the kitchen sink.  God is in control.  Either we turn to Him and get the opportunity to reassert our property rights, reclaim our US Constitution and cease this theft and world wide murder under the Federal Reserve.  Or we might as well get ready for the bloodiest war the earth has ever seen.  My preference is we let this house of cards fall and we return to a Constitutional currency upon which to build and base true wealth that will inherently limit our government and those nasty conflicts around the world which have been foisted on the common man and common woman.


Sorry, Gillian, I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion that the ‘clock is ticking’ on Mr. Geithner—when it came out that Treasury Secretary Geithner and Senator Chris Dodd knew in advance about the $165M+ in contractually obligated bonuses at AIG, Mr. Geithner should have resigned.  As it stands, you may be absolutely correct, dear, when you say that the clock is ticking on the system.


Gillian, will you marry me?


I sense I have found my kindred soul, my soul mate.  Before you turn me down, Gillian, remember what the greatest playwright of all time, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote: 


True love is a meeting of the minds.






Financial Time’s Gillian Tett Hits another One Out of the Park!

Friday, March 20th, 2009

As I said, I am in love with this woman’s mind.  Her writing is impeccable.  Her mastery of the English language undeniable and her Insight is excellent.  The first two paragraphs of her column today, Friday March 20 are very insightful.  However, I must admit I don’t know what “market makers” are.


Let me sum those paragraphs up:


‘While the politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have vowed to clamp down on “greedy” speculators and go after those engaged in “unbridled risk-taking” . . . the “disappearance of risk capital” is a key reason so much of the financial machinery is failing to work.’


Think about that.


Because we are fixated on pursing anyone or any organization which takes risks and appears greedy, we have chased all the players out the market because there is nothing to gain and much to lose.


In ball playing terms: Because the politicians keep changing the rules of the game, the investors who take the risks have taken their ball and gone home.  Who can blame them?


Tett’s Insight column is an another indicator that the governments on both sides of the Atlantic need to get out of the way and let the markets function as they should—those who lose should be allowed to fail; however, those who succeed should be allowed to reap the rewards of their efforts and their risk taking.


While Obama and his minions keep changing the rules of the game, the Obama Administration is having one effect: 


It is keeping everything unstable.

And, IMO, this appears “purposeful.”


In other words,


The Obama Administration is creating instability on purpose,


With a reason.


And it is not a good reason.


One piece of evidence that this instability is intentional is the fact that the US Congress, Senate and President knew about AIG’s contractual obligations to pay bonuses.  How do I come to that conclusion you ask?  Simple.  Senator Dodd added wording that exempted “contractually obligated bonuses” into the Bail Out Legislation.


These political folks keep playing both sides against the middle, against us.  And it’s got to stop.  Otherwise, they are going to destroy everything.  If they can tax those bonuses out of existence, they can tax any of us off the map.  In fact, let me step out and say that this is exactly what God wants.


Wake up, America!


You, we are the target.

Gillian Tett’s Insight: “Psychology is partly to blame on these uncertain times”

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Gee, I don’t know how to take Financial Times co-editor Gillian Tett’s Column today (March 6).  For one, Tett knows from my email to her that I am a fan of hers.  And she is quite right.  What else is new?  This blond’s got brains! 


In describing the “cognitive fog” that pervades almost everything financial; however, I believe she’s misused the term “cognitive” slightly.  A far more apropos term would be “confusion.”


These are confusing times and it is only going to get worse.  Obama is going to make good on every one of his campaign promises irregardless of the effects on anyone.  Obama is focused on making history by uniting the entire globe under one rule.  Obama is intent upon ushering in The New World Order.


However, this is not to say “psychology” has had nothing to do with it.  In fact, one could claim the entire battle has been fought “psychologically” and I don’t think anyone could deny that.  Except, we are fighting on all fronts and, what’s more, WE DON’T EVEN REALIZE IT!


In the future I will scan en toto an article that purports to be written in 1936 describing psychosociopolitcal warfare.


Here is my call:


There shall be no relief until some remnant of the United States of America breaks off from the rest and declares Constitutional Law.  With that return to the original instrument under which this country flourished, we may regain our standing and get beyond this confusion.  It is confusion by design, perhaps even grand design.


This is our opportunity to do away with “the beast,” the “creature” called the Federal Reserve and return to a Constitutional currency with which stability may be achieved once again. 


Otherwise, Obama and his ilk will take us back through time and regress civilization to the point of even more disaster.  Rahm Emmanuel said that these tough times are good and will permit the “Demoncrat” Party to usher in their broad reaching policy and bring about the new World Wide Communistic Order. 


Why fight battles as before when you can run a Trojan horse (or a Kenyan) and place him in the White House to do your bidding?

Three Year Anniversary of the Demise of Publishing the M3 — What does the Government have to Hide?

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Three years ago this month the Feds stopped publishing information on M3, the money supply.  On march 23, 2006, the Fed appeared to stop tracking the size of the money supply.  Why?  What are they hiding?  They are hiding what the big boys are doing with the money supply!

“the last thing the Government really wants is for the general public to know how much it is stealing out of your pockets through inflation. ”

Tim McMahon

“So, my theory is that in order to hide all the money that is being created and sent to China the government is going to stop tracking M3.”

 Tim McMahon

“The writing is on the wall. When the Government starts hiding data the problem is big! If this trend continues, inflation is going to come roaring back big time. We will see the late 70’s all over again.”

 Tim McMahon


A Lesson in Finance: What the bankers don’t want you to know ~ You Tube

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Bernanke’s Address this Past Week

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

Did you see Bernanke lie this past week? 

The man can’t hide it. 

He lied to everybody. 

And it showed. 

Don’t be fooled. 

Liberals & liberalism are continuing to dig our hole deeper.

Gillian Tett, Insight: Time to expose those CDOs

Friday, February 27th, 2009, triple A assests45b-000077b07658.html?nclick_check=1

Folks, I have mentioned on air long ago that I’m “in love” with Gillian Tett.  This woman’s mind is captivating.  She is by far the best writer the Financial Times has.  Certainly, she is more conservative and Gillian Tett’s insight is impeccable!


And what we have to do in order to have any semblance of confidence  in investing in the markets is to establish the real capital hit to the banks and insurance groups.  Until that time, how can one invest in the market, any market, with confidence?

That answer:  You can’t!

We need a public sale, even an auction to establish what if anyvalue remains. 

Until that time, it is mere fiat money

You Stupid People!

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Forget about asking for more government regulation.  You are buried in government regulation and it is killing you.  Insist upon a return to Constitutional Law.  The only way out of this mess is to return to Constitutional Rule.


Did you know that the Sixteenth Amendment was NEVER ratified by the states?  Did you know that the Federal income tax is illegal?


It is unconstitutional.  The Federal government was meant to be funded by tariffs & duties but instead they’ve taxed us and enslaved us.  They throw open our borders and insist upon “free trade” while enslaving US!


Did you know that the Federal Reserve is neither?  It is neither “Federal” nor is it a “reserve!” 


Do you realize Federal Reserve notes are NOT Constitutional money?  Do you know that the Federal Reserve notes we are forced to accept are unconstitutional?


It’s time to throw off the yoke and stop the madness of the United States Congress and the United States Senate!


You want freedom?  You want liberty?


Insist upon Constitutional Law and limit the Federal government before it is too late! 


Stop asking for more government regulation.


Stop asking for more government programs.


Stop asking the Federal government to help in any way.




Because it is all enslaving.